Movers, Shakers and
Regulators: Behind the Financial Seismic Shock
We saw in the previous chapter how essential financial
innovation has been for economic advance; and also some of the potential
pitfalls of the multitude of new financial products arising over the past four
decades. In this chapter the role of the key players will be explored; the
bankers, Wall Street, bureaucrats, politicians and regulators, who took
advantage of the new financial tools to promote “housing justice” and who did
very well for themselves in the process. While both political parties must share
in the blame for the financial debacle, it has clearly been the Democrats who
were the prime movers. Indeed insofar as anyone raised red flags it was
Republicans, not Democrats. And, surprising though it may be, those who run the
country’s financial institutions lean toward the Democrats; and they have done
so for almost three decades. Moreover, the leadership of the Democrat party has
done just as well, if not better, playing at crony capitalism as has any
Republican; and they continue to do so even in the era of “hope and change”.
With all of their political clout why did the banks not do
more to resist the government mortgage mandate? One answer to that question is
that their leadership was also part of the 60s long march through the
institutions and they shared the liberal ideological imperative and commitment
to diversity and affirmative action. Another reason is given by financial commentator
Arnold Ahlert: “Wall Street is beholden
to government, not the other way around. That is not to say Wall Street is
innocent, only that it is forced to operate within the parameters, no matter
how reckless and tainted by corruption, government sets for it.”[1]
Moreover, the new financial instruments along with cooperative monetary
authorities and regulators allowed the financial leadership to postpone the
inevitable day of reckoning a good long while and, in the meantime, to do quite well by doing ‘good’.
Myth of the Republican Banker
“One of the great media fallacies is that Wall Street is
a bastion of right-wing politics.”[2]
This myth persists despite the fact that in 2008 most of its leaders supported
the Democrats and Obama. Small business and main street Republicans, in fact,
tend to distrust the big city slickers of Wall Street and their cozy relationship
with big government. There are, of course, some notable exceptions on the
Street and within the investment community, but even these exceptions prove the
rule. They tend to be “squishy” liberal Republicans from the Rockefeller wing
of the party and not modern day stereotypical versions of Mr. Potter conspiring
against the poor and downtrodden. One
such is Henry Paulson, a fervent supporter of environmental causes, who was
distrusted by the Republicans in the House. Another is Paul Singer, founder and
CEO of the hedge fund Elliott Management who donates to the Republican Party,
but also to the Harvard Graduate School of Education. This Wall Street
Republican, like Paulson hardly fits the mean-spirited stereotype. He supports
gay rights, helped push gay marriage through the New York State legislature and
contributes to a number of liberal causes. However, unlike Paulson, he did at
least foresee the coming financial meltdown. One supposedly conservative
exception was Jimmy Cayne of Bear Stearns. But even the pot-smoking Cayne was
hardly a pillar of up-tight Republican rectitude; in addition most of his
associates were liberal Democrats and he was not above greasing the campaign
palms of powerful Democrats like Charles Rangel and Chuck Schumer.[3]
A Fish Dinner in
A dinner at a trendy seafood restaurant in Washington DC
in June of 2007 should explode the myth that Wall Street is composed solely of
greedy hard-nosed Republican types. Here a cast of characters from the Street
gathered to make the acquaintance of freshman Senator Barack Obama. Present
were Richard Fuld CEO of ill-fated Lehman Brothers, Greg Fleming second in
command at Merrill Lynch, Larry Fink head of the hedge fund Blackrock, Paul
Volcker avuncular former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Gary Cohn a
senior executive from Goldman-Sachs and
Warren Spector, Jimmy Cayne’s top lieutenant, at Bear Stearns. Like most senior executives on
the Street these were committed Democrats, media myth to the contrary
notwithstanding. This clique of rabid limousine liberals was initially
supporting Hillary Clinton. Her supporters additionally included Goldman’s
Lloyd Blankfein and a former Republican, John Mack of Morgan Stanley.[4]
The fact is that support for liberal Democrat causes, and
also for the candidacy of Barack Obama runs deep in the financial community.
Warren Spector, an attendee at the fish dinner viewed Obama as a friend of the
Street and someone who appreciates the good that Wall Street has done for the
promotion of social justice by pioneering such financial innovations as
mortgage bonds. He was well known as a liberal Democrat who contributed
exclusively to Democrat campaigns and ultimately assumed an active role in the
Obama campaign. Other Bear-Stearns Democrat enthusiasts and Obama supporters
were Ace Greenberg, one-time head of Bear and wealthy investor Vincent Tese who
was on the Bear Board.
Morgan Stanley was well represented among the Obama
enthusiasts. CEO John Mack was a one-time Bush supporter; he was friends with Joshua
Bolten a former Goldman executive who was Bush’s chief of staff. However Mack,
a longtime advocate of national health insurance, became a Hillary Clinton
supporter before switching to Obama. In recent years Mack’s political donations
to Democrats have been twice that given to Republicans. During the controversy
concerning the renewal of bonuses on Wall Street, he was concerned enough to
ask Lawrence Summers for advice. Mack’s concern, quite different from the rest
of the Wall Street clique, especially those at Goldman Sachs, does do him
credit as it indicates that he has at least some conscience and judgment. Tom Nides, a top executive at Morgan Stanley,
was the one who persuaded Mack to switch his support to Obama; Nides held Obama
fund raisers within Morgan Stanley headquarters. After the Obama victory, Nides
put his influence to good use in lobbying the new administration. James Gorman,
Mack’s successor as CEO had a history of making almost all of his political
contributions to Democrat candidates.
Greg Fleming, former president and COO of Merrill also
attended the fish dinner. His recent donations run thirty to one in favor of
Democrats. His boss, Stan O’Neal, the highest ranking African American on the
Street, contributed to the Obama campaign; however he does hedge his bets by
donating smaller amounts to Republicans. Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Fuld also
an attendee at the Washington fish dinner had never been particularly political
but finally entered the Democrat camp.
A number of hedge fund magnates and major investors were
also firmly in Obama’s camp. Larry Fink
of Blackrock, a lifelong staunch Democrat and fish dinner participant helped
persuade his Wall Street colleagues that Obama was a moderate. He was later
rewarded with contracts to manage the assets of the defunct Bear Stearns and
bankrupt AIG; the access to market information from these firms was possibly
even more valuable to Blackrock than the fees earned. Another such was
investment banker and “Barack bundler” Mark Gallogly a longtime executive at private
equity company Blackstone; Gallogly, like Obama, was a believer in “social
justice”. Orin Kramer another hedge fund
manager was a major Democrat fund raiser. Jacques Leviant a successful investor
was a moderate conservative who contributed to both parties and also introduced
Obama to his neighbor the billionaire George Soros. Penny Pritzker heiress to the Hyatt Hotel
fortune became an Obama supporter and his national finance chair based on his
promise of “hope and change”. In September 2008 she made her Hyatt facilities
available for a dinner honoring Iranian president Ahmadinejad. Another Hyatt
heiress with quite progressive leanings is Rachel Pritzker Hunter a Democracy
Alliance board member. Contrary to popular mythology there are numerous
inheritors of vast wealth, sometimes referred to as “trust fund Trotskyites” that
are quite progressive in their beliefs and donations.
The big New York banks are hotbeds of support for liberal
causes. Citigroup executives, in particular, have been heavy Democrat
contributors. Sanford Weill, one time CEO of Citigroup partnered with Jesse
Jackson and helped fund and promote his Wall Street Project. Weill, a heavy
Democrat contributor hired former Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin for a
high paying position as a reward for helping to repeal Glass-Steagall. Charles
Prince, Weill’s successor as CEO was a heavy Democrat donor. Robert Wolf a
senior executive at UBS (Union Bank
of Switzerland), was one of the “Barack bundlers”; he has personally
bundled more than $500,000 for Obama, dating back to Obama’s Illinois Senate
days. He became a member of Obama’s
inner circle despite the fact that UBS was under investigation for tax fraud as
a major player in the subprime market.
Another major bank executive, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP
Morgan Chase and quintessential limousine liberal became a major Obama
supporter and one of his most important economic advisers. Recently he was
called to testify before a Senate committee investigating speculation by JP
Morgan Chase resulting in large trading losses. Dimon, the grandson of Greek
immigrants opposed any measures for the control of illegal immigration. He has
also called for increased spending on inner city schools and new
infrastructure. Dimon has been a supporter of Democrat Senator Kirsten
Gillibrand for whom he held a series of fundraisers. Dimon, however, was quite
capable of downplaying his liberalism when profits were at stake. He excoriated
the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation when they asked for relief on some
loans they had taken out at JP Morgan Chase; no group rights allowed if it
would cost his bank. Despite his political preferences he was quite capable of
chewing out two of his favorite Senators, Schumer and Gillibrand when he
thought their rhetoric might be used against himself and his fellow bankers. As
was the case for Citigroup, JP Morgan executives had a much higher rate of
support for Democrats than for Republicans. Mike Cavanagh, Dimon’s second in
command, was delegated to hold a fund raiser for Obama; Dimon as a member of
the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York could not make a direct
Investors, Speculators and Financial Manipulators: The Real One Percent
A number of major investors and hedge fund managers who
profited from shorting the housing market during the subprime meltdown were
contributors to Obama, the Democrat party and other progressive causes. John
Paulson, the billionaire investor, tried to short sell a CDO that Goldman Sachs
was pushing; a fact that Goldman neglected to inform its own clients about.
Paulson in recent years contributed seven times as much to Democrats as to
Republicans.[6] Charles Ledley, a principal in Cornwall
Capital who made tens of millions of dollars betting against mortgage bonds was
a college volunteer for the Bill Clinton campaign in 1992.[7]
Another housing shorter was Stan
Druckenmiller who along with George Soros "broke the Bank of
England" when they shorted the British pound in 1992. Druckenmiller, a longtime donor to
progressive causes such as the Children's Scholarship Fund, Harlem Children's
Zone, New York City AIDS walk and the Environmental Defense Fund, usually
hedged his bets by contributing to both parties. However, in 2008 his
contributions leaned in favor of the Obama campaign.[8]
Phil Falcone billionaire investor,
founder of the hedge fund Harbinger Group, also made billions from shorting the
housing market.[9]
Falcone, an Obama friend and campaign contributor, has also made large cash
contributions to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. He has recently
obtained favorable treatment from the Obama FCC for his high-tech company LightSquared
despite objections from the Air Force that Lightsquared's proposed wireless
network would disrupt U.S. satellite communications.[10]
George Kaiser is another billionaire investor and Obama
donor. He is best known for his recent investment in the now bankrupt green
energy company Solyndra the recipient of largesse from the Obama
administration. “He and the other
private investors of Solyndra will recoup their losses ahead of taxpayers. And
while they blast their GOP opponents, double-standard Democrats will remain
AWOL on the glaring tax-avoidance strategies of the wealthy Kaiser Family
Other administration subsidized green energy investors and Obama supporters
include William Capp of recently bankrupt Beacon Power, John Rowe of Exelon and
Frank Clark, a major Obama fundraiser, who runs ComEd. In addition to his
contribution to the Obama campaign, Capp has a history of supporting left-wing
Democrats in New England; his chief lobbyist was once an aide to the late Sen.
Ted Kennedy. High ranking Obama operatives David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel found
lucrative employment as consultants to Exelon.[12]
Another who expected to profit from Obama’s green agenda
was Jeffrey Immelt CEO of General Electric. This one-time Republican became an
Obama supporter and sits on the jobs advisory board. GE became another
financial corporation welfare recipient when the new administration granted its
financial arm bank status along with TARP money. He also helped his new friend
Vikram Pandit of Citigroup in obtaining favorable treatment from the new
Immelt recently moved GE’s 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing. Another
member of the Obama team is famed billionaire investor and tax advocate Warren
Buffett. While Buffett may advocate higher tax rates for others he studiously
avoids paying them as far as his own Berkshire Hathaway is concerned; recently
Berkshire has been engaged in a legal battle to avoid paying some $1 billion In
back taxes.
Another left-leaning financier is David Gelbaum, co-founder of the hedge fund
Sierra Enterprises Group. Gelbaum, in addition to his avid environmentalism has
a great fondness for immigrants, both legal and illegal. He made a large
donation to the Sierra Club on the condition that they never address immigration as an environmental issue.[14]
Gelbaum was a talented financial engineer, helping to found Princeton/Newport
Partners, a pioneer in the use of mathematical formulas and algorithms to price
stocks and derivatives. The firm itself collapsed following the indictment of
top executives in connection with a scheme to create illegal tax losses; an
event in which Mr. Gelbaum was not personally implicated.
New York lawyer Herbert Sandler and his wife, Wall Street
analyst Marion Sandler, purchased a California thrift in 1963 which ultimately
grew into Golden West Financial. They built their financial powerhouse on
adjustable rate mortgages sold aggressively to unsophisticated home buyers.
Wachovia Bank, in what turned out to be a horrendous investment bought their
S&L holding company in 2006 for $24 billion. This predatory lending and
financial wrecking power-couple were also committed progressive Democrats
giving millions to the Center for American Progress, Soros’ Democracy Alliance
and the 2004 anti-Bush 527.[15]
Despite Golden West’s profitable use of ARMs, the Sandler Family Foundation
supported the fight against predatory lending giving ACORN at least $525,000.
The Sandlers have also given hundreds of thousands to Democrat campaigns and some
$2.5 million to[16]
The Sandlers are close to billionaire speculator George
Soros, the mastermind behind numerous leftwing organizations who in the 1990s
broke the British pound by massively shorting sterling. Soros had also been
accused by Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of undermining the
Malaysian currency during the 1997 Asian crisis. However, the two of them have
recently “buried the hatchet”.[17]
Perhaps their mutual dislike of the United States has brought about a
reconciliation. Soros had also been convicted of insider trading by a French
court. Economist Paul Krugman, a well-known progressive, has summed up Soros
and his activities as follows:
Nobody who has read a business
magazine in the last few years can be unaware that these days there really are
investors who not only move money in anticipation of a currency crisis, but
actually do their best to trigger that crisis for fun and profit. These new
actors on the scene do not yet have a standard name; my proposed term is 'Soroi'.[18]
Soros has assembled a collection of so-called “527
groups”, nominally independent organizations that promote progressive and
Democrat party causes. The most famous of these are the Center for American
Progress, MoveOn.Org, Human Rights Watch and Media Matters. Other billionaire
social justice activists who have joined Soros as donors are Peter Lewis of
Progressive Insurance and Herbert and Marion Sandler; these have also joined
forces to found the Democracy Alliance. Other members of the Alliance include
Soros’ son Jonathan, businessman and film producer Steven Bing, software
entrepreneur Tim Gill, Washington, D.C. real estate developer Herb Miller, Davidi
Gilo and wife Shamaya high-tech entrepreneurs, Alan Patricof co-founder of
private equity firm Apax Partners, Bren Simon president of MBS Associates LLC
whose husband, Melvin, ranks on the Forbes list of the world’s richest people,
financier and philanthropist Lewis Cullman, former portfolio manager for
Soros’s Quantum Fund Rob Johnson, Steven Gluckstern a founding managing
director of investment banking firm Azimuth Alternative Assets and Robert
Dugger onetime chief economist at the American Bankers Association and managing
director of Tudor Investment Corporation. In addition to such financial and business
moguls the Democracy Alliance incudes the actor Rob Reiner best known for his
role as the “meathead” on All in the Family and heiresses such as Rachel
Pritzker Hunter of the Hyatt fortune, Anne
Bartley the daughter of Winthrop Rockefeller and Patricia Stryker granddaughter
of businessman Homer Stryker.[19]
Goldman Sachs: the
Liberal Vampire Squid
“The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is
that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great
vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its
blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”[20]
Goldman-Sachs may be a vampire squid, but it is a Democrat vampire squid.
Goldman executives give Soros and friends a run for their money as a Democrat
financial power center. Gary Cohn, president and later COO of Goldman Sachs
attended the Obama fish dinner; his political contributions have gone almost
exclusively to Democrats. In recent years Cohn had been busy in helping to
devise a scheme to disguise Greek debt.[21]
Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO, is known as a staunch Democrat and has
also given their candidates almost all of his political donations. During 2009
Blankfein had his lobbyists hard at work focusing on limiting the severity of
whatever reform legislation was being pushed by his Democrat friends.[22]
David Viniar, the Goldman CFO who helped to design their infamous strategy of
shorting mortgage bonds in 2007, has donated only to Democrats in recent years.[23]
Total contributions of Goldman Sachs executives to the
Obama campaign was nearly $1 million, not including donations to other
Democrats and soft money for the Party. Blankfein and company continued their
support for Obama in 2009 with contributions weighted heavily in favor of
Democrats. And their efforts were not unrewarded. In addition to helping shape
new reform legislation in the most favorable way politically possible, Goldman
earned $13.4 billion in 2009 due to the policies of the new administration;
$13,400 in profit for every dollar invested in Democrats. Furthermore, although
Blankfein had to take a pay cut that year he still made some $9 million.[24]
The Revolving Door
Members of the financial elite have found their way
easily into government office and the political arena; they passed with great
ease from business to government and out and in again. More often than not they
have found a comfortable home within the confines of liberal politics and
Democrat administrations; it was a mutually profitable arrangement for both
politicians and Wall Street. “For decades Wall Street’s interests had been
safeguarded by the coterie of bureaucrats who survived administrations, passing
back and forth from Wall Street to Washington”.[25]
The leader amongst these peripatetic bureaucrats is undoubtedly staunch
Democrat Robert Rubin. As Chairman of Goldman Sachs he was mentor to such
future political leading lights as Jon Corzine and consultant Rahm Emanuel.
Rubin went on to be Clinton’s Treasury Secretary where his policies helped to
ignite a massive bond rally to the benefit of Wall Street and most especially
Goldman Sachs. He also pushed for the disastrous repeal of Glass-Steagall which
had insulated commercial banking from the more risky investment banking. This
was a move that Sanford Weill, the Citibank empire builder had long sought. After Rubin left the Treasury Department, Weill
gave him the very lucrative job of Citigroup vice chairman. When he was at the
Treasury Rubin also orchestrated a bailout which benefitted the large banks
during the Mexican peso crisis of 1994. The consequent assurance of government
support encouraged the banks to take still further risks. Rubin was not above
playing to anti-immigrant sentiment in the southwest arguing that a peso
collapse would incite a massive illegal flow of immigrants fleeing the
collapsing Mexican economy.[26] When it comes to helping out their Wall
Street friends, the Democrats will even play the anti-immigrant card; something
that at all other times they vehemently denounce. Rubin’s son, Jamie, followed
in his father’s footsteps; after a stint in the Clinton administration he found
a job with a private equity firm. In 2008 young Rubin switched loyalties from
the Clintons to Obama.
Goldman Sachs must certainly be awarded first place on
the revolving door list. Phil Murphy the one time head of Goldman’s Asia Region
became National Democrat Committee chairman and later ambassador to Germany.
Rahm Emanuel, much better known as a political operative, also benefitted from
a Goldman Sachs connection. In the early 90s he was a Goldman political
consultant who used his Chicago connections to help the firm secure government
business. He also was friends with other Wall Street powers such as Jamie Dimon
and Tom Nides of Morgan Stanley. It is believed that Robert Rubin helped him
obtain his job in the Clinton administration. It also appears that as Obama’s
chief of staff he was able to deliver for his many Wall Street friends.[27]
One of these friends Steve Koch, the co-chairman of mergers and acquisitions at
Credit Suisse Group AG, has recently joined Chicago Mayor Emanuel’s team. Koch,
who spent three decades at Credit Suisse, has been appointed Chicago deputy
It appears that the Republicans are not the only ones to have a well-heeled
Goldman has maintained a useful relationship with the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY), a quasi-public institution charged
with major regulatory and oversight responsibilities over the Street. Bank
president Gerald Corrigan left his position to work for Goldman Sachs in 1994.
Corrigan was just the most high profile example of the long time weakness of
the FRBNY in its incestuous relationship with Wall Street. He is also a liberal
Democrat who once was touted as a possible Treasury Secretary following
Clinton’s first electoral victory. One Rubin protégé at the FRBNY was Timothy
Geithner. Although Geithner never held a position at Goldman, while president
of the New York Fed, prodded by Rubin, he reduced its oversight of Wall Street.[29]
Rahm Emanuel was not the only Democrat elected to office
who had lucrative ties to Goldman. Congressman Richard Gephardt was once
employed by Goldman Sachs, a company representing many Chinese business
clients, to work on public finance issues.[30] Ironically Gephardt had once built his
reputation as a champion of American manufacturing and its workers. However, it
was one-time Goldman Sachs head Jon Corzine who achieved the greatest electoral
success as the liberal Democrat Senator and then Governor of New Jersey.
Defeated for re-election, Corzine returned to the Street as CEO of MF Global
which promptly lost a major bet buying the debt of the EUs financially troubled
Mediterranean member nations. Corzine and MF Global are under investigation for
misusing clients’ money for such speculation. Corzine is a bundler for the
Obama campaign; MF Global is one more Democrat financial stronghold whose
employees have contributed in excess of $100,000 for Obama; one Republican
trader reportedly gave $2,500 to the Romney campaign.[31]
Goldman Sachs may dominate the government-Wall Street
shuttle, but they are not the only player. The big banks are also in the game. Michael
Froman a Citigroup banker and law school friend of Obama became deputy
assistant for international economic
affairs in the Obama administration. The powerful
Daley family of Chicago has longstanding ties to Jamie Dimon. Michael Daley,
brother of Chicago mayor Richard Daley was a principal in the law firm hired by
Dimon as political advisers to Citigroup when Dimon was there as Weill’s number
two. Bill Daley, Gore’s 2000 campaign chairman, was later hired by Dimon as
vice chairman of JP Morgan Chase; no doubt to help influence the Obama
administration. Bill Daley ultimately replaced Emanuel as the Obama chief of
General Electric, unlikely as it seems, has also been declared a bank owing to its
ownership of some financial subsidiaries. Chairman Jeffrey Immelt doubles up as
head of the Obama administration’s Economic Advisory Board. Robert Wolf of
Swiss financial giant UBS sits on Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board and
the presidential Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
Hedge funds were also represented by rotating government
office-holders. Long-time Democrat Larry
Summers, another Rubin protégé helped build the Wall Street – Washington
alliance and helped repeal Glass-Steagall. He reportedly earned an easy $8
million at the D.E. Shaw hedge fund primarily for his speechmaking skills and
later became one of Obama’s economic advisers. He was at one time president of
Harvard; Summers is a highly successful example of someone who navigates the
academic – Wall Street – government complex.[33]
John Edwards, onetime Senator and vice presidential candidate also found
joining a hedge fund to a profitable endeavor; he is an example of someone
whose movement was from Democrat elective politics into the world of high
finance. In 2006 he was hired by Fortress Capital who followed Goldman in the
mortgage bond shorting strategy. This liberal champion of the little man, like
his equally liberal counterparts at Goldman Sachs “saw nothing wrong with
profiting off the demise of the American economy as Fortress, too, was making
money betting against the subprime market.”[34]
Other investment banks also had rotating executives. One,
Tom Nides, a top executive at Morgan Stanley, held various jobs within the
Democratic Party alternating with his work on Wall Street. The head of Lehman,
Richard Fuld, became a powerful figure on the Street when he assumed a seat on
the Board of the New York Fed which gave him access to top regulators. As we
will see following page 200 below this obvious conflict of interest was not
uncommon at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; and among other regulatory
agencies as well. Unfortunately for Fuld, his influence was not sufficient to
save his company when the financial elite panicked and scrambled around in
search of a scapegoat. Mary Schapiro, lifelong Democrat was at the helm of the
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) the self-regulatory
organization of Wall Street, a position that paid her millions in salary which
was financed by the member firms’ dues. She became SEC chief in the Obama
administration. In this case however the
new political exigencies pitted one group of finance industry Democrat
supporters against another. Vowing to turn things around she went after Goldman
Sachs and despite her previous exorbitant compensation on the Street she also
went after high executive pay.[35]
Any discussion of the ‘revolving door’ would not be
complete without examining the Federal housing agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac. These quasi-private corporations served to reward favored Democrat
operatives and office-holders with a quick road to riches. Probably the
greatest such beneficiary was Franklin Raines, White House budget director for
the Clinton administration. From 1999 to 2004 he was Chairman of Fannie Mae
when he was forced to resign following SEC mandated accounting corrections. By
tying executive compensation to earnings growth the executives at the agency
reaped astronomical amounts in bonuses. The originator of Fannie Mae’s dual
strategy of expanding home ownership, while enriching its top management, was
James Johnson another Democrat Party supporter who became chief executive in
1991. Between 1991 and 1998 Johnson drew some $100 million in compensation; in
his five years as CEO Raines amassed almost as much.[36]
Other leading Democrats who were rewarded with major
positions at Fannie Mae include Jack Quinn who served as Clinton’s counsel from
November 1995 to February 1997 and Eli Segal who served as Assistant to the
President from January 1993 to February 1996. There was also Jamie Gorelick who
while serving in the Justice Department under Janet Reno reportedly helped to
erect the wall between the FBI and CIA which impeded investigation of terrorist
plots prior to the 911 attacks. With her high positions at Justice and in the
agency that was instrumental in causing the housing meltdown and the great
recession, Gorelick must be accounted an extremely costly bureaucrat. Freddie
Mac was another agency that allowed Democrat operatives to pad their bank
accounts. Rahm Emanuel, during time spent on the Freddie Mac Board between 2000
and 2001, left with some $320,000 in compensation plus up to $250,000 from selling
Freddie stock. In addition to the great work performed for the Democrat Party
It was, undoubtedly, Emanuel’s experience at Goldman Sachs and also in the
mortgage market that made him such an invaluable addition to the Freddie Mac
board. He also served at the Chicago office of investment bank Dresdner
Kleinwort Wasserstein, working on mergers resulting in thousands of laid off workers,
as well as for deals funding subprime loans. He left with $18 million after
some two years.[37]
The executives and directors at the agencies were quite
skilled in finding friends and defenders to protect their high paying
sinecures. Lawrence Summers while deputy Treasury secretary, buried a
department report recommending that Fannie and Freddie be privatized. Fannie
Mae hired Republican attorney and famed Whitewater investigator Ken Starr to
bury the requests of one Congressman to find out exactly how much its top
executives’ were receiving in compensation.[38]
Thus, members of both political parties had the chance to obtain fat paychecks
from these quasi-private agencies.
Furthermore, many Republicans also passed through the
revolving door between government and the financial industry as a whole; the
difference being that the big Wall Street firms have a larger number of
Democrats and that it was liberals who were more apt to piously pontificate on
the sins of Wall Street even as they
served the interests of the financial companies. Alan Greenspan, a conservative
influenced by the libertarian theories of Ayn Rand, during his tenure as
chairman of the Federal Reserve always made sure to benefit Wall Street by
lowering interest rates or pumping up the money supply in response to the needs
of the Street. The ubiquitous Goldman Sachs was always well represented when
Republicans held power. In addition to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson other
one time Goldman Sachs executives holding positions in the Bush administration
included chief of staff Josh Bolten and World Bank president Robert Zoellick.
It is also true that support for the Democrats and for
Obama was mainly found among the largest financial institutions. In contrast to
Goldman and the other big Wall Street firms the attitudes of the smaller
players were somewhat different. For example, financier Ken Langone and veteran
investment banker Joe Perella were never enchanted by the Obama fetish
prevalent on the Street. Both were different in that they did not depend on big
government largesse and ran small brokerages and investment banks. After the
2008 election as some former Obama enthusiasts began expressing reservations
they were, in effect, reminding their colleagues that they had tried to warn
Business as Usual
Changes in administration over the last two decades have
made little difference to the power brokers of Wall Street. It has been pretty
much business as usual under Clinton, Bush and now Obama. During the Clinton
administration the large players most often got their way. Officials and
advisers such as Rubin and Summers served the interests of Goldman Sachs,
Citigroup and the rest of the large firms. During the Clinton administration, deregulation,
in particular the repeal of Glass-Steagall was a priority for the big banks and
Rubin with the help of Summers got it done. Wall Street found ready supporters
in Congress such as Barney Frank whose committee approved many pieces of
deregulation.[40] Regulatory
agencies were also glad to help out the big firms in their quest for
deregulation. David Viniar the CFO of Goldman Sachs expressed his appreciation
to the SEC for its efforts in developing "a regulatory framework that will
contribute to the safety and soundness of financial institutions and markets by
aligning regulatory capital requirements more closely with well-developed
internal risk-management practices.” [41]
Business as usual continued under the Bush
administration. Wily Goldman Sachs was the most adept of all the firms in
pursuing its own advantage. When they detected the approach of the housing
crisis the smooth operators at Goldman shorted the same mortgage bonds that
they had previously sold to clients. If one of its clients wanted to take a
long position in some mortgage securities and Goldman’s research indicated that
those securities are overvalued they would first sell those to the client and
then short them. They stood to make money from the fee and, if the securities
declined, from the short. Although Goldman executives insisted that their firm
was simply better at hedging and trading there was evidence that they reveled
in profiting off of the shortsightedness of their clients. Furthermore the
subsequent government bailout of AIG was, in reality, a bailout of Goldman, the
holder of AIG’s credit default swaps.[42]
Rivalry within Goldman Sachs illuminates both the
cutthroat nature of the business and the ease of influence peddling that
characterized Goldman in particular and the rest of the Street in general. Jon
Corzine became CEO of Goldman in 1994; his protégé was John Thain. Following
the Long Term Capital Management debacle in 1999, Thain joined up with Henry
Paulson to push Corzine out of his CEO position. Soon afterward the Goldman
traders led by Lloyd Blankfein contrived a coup d’état to drive out Thain and
CEO Paulson. While Thain escaped to become head of the NYSE, a private
association with its own oversight and regulatory responsibilities, Paulson
left to become Treasury Secretary.[43]
Paulson, although nominally a Republican, continued in his new office, to maintain
a friendship with Democrat congressional leaders Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi.[44]
The net result of such maneuvering is that one Goldman Sachs bigwig was pushed
out only to become Senator and then Governor. Still another was sent packing
but managed to become Treasury Secretary and a third found a new position as
the head of the New York Stock Exchange, the chief market overseer. Remarkably
Goldman managed to have its one-time top executives assume the office of
Treasury Secretary under both Clinton (Rubin) and Bush (Paulson).
During the 2008 election, as we have seen, the Wall
Street leadership played a vital role in assisting and financing the Obama
campaign. In September 2008, the peak of the crisis, Goldman gave $596,000 to
Democrats, eight times what it gave Republicans. JP Morgan Chase gave $239,000
to the Democrats, over two times what it gave Republicans.[45]
Both companies benefited from their largesse once the new administration took
An immediate payoff was the appointment of Timothy Geithner as the new Treasury
Secretary. Geithner, a well-known supporter of Wall Street and of Goldman
Sachs, played an important role during the financial crisis. Thus there has
been a succession of secretaries, one after another transcending politics and
administrations, with strong ties to the banks and to the Street.
During 2009, the large firms continued in their support
for the new Democrat administration. Goldman, in particular, gave nearly four
times as much to Democrats as it gave to Republicans. Goldman also employed
lobbyists who were once staff members for Barney Frank and other
Street-friendly lawmakers. At the same time they contracted with
Republican-oriented public relations firm Public Strategies to defend against
criticism of their role in the AIG bailout. Goldman was, thus, set to help shape the
inevitable reform legislation by plucking “the most politically connected
people to run its lobbying department.”[47]
With former Goldman Sachs executives spread throughout
the regulatory apparatus and with other bureaucrats hopeful of working at
Goldman following their tenure in government (a process that was known at
Tammany Hall a century ago as ‘honest graft’) Goldman escaped with a relatively
modest fine from the SEC.[48]
By 2009, Goldman and the big banks were returning to profitability but still
had to deal with public outrage. Therefore, it was necessary for the Street’s
government accomplices to make a good public show. The new president began to
publicly denounce Wall Street greed. But privately Democrat Senate leaders
reassured Goldman Sachs executives that the CEOs of the big firms would have to
undergo a little public humiliation; however in reality their past and present
support was really much appreciated.[49]
Despite some whining about Obama’s post-election bashing of Wall Street,
Goldman and others understand it as a necessary political ploy and not a matter
of conviction. One senior Goldman executive was quoted: “Obama couldn’t give a
shit about all this anti-Wall Street stuff. He needs to bash us to get his
bullshit financial reform through Congress.”[50]
Wall Street leaders recognized that some show penalty will have to be paid;
however they also recognize empty rhetoric when they hear it. And above all
they know that Obama would inevitably come calling on them again for future
campaign financing support.
In the meantime Wall Street and the big banks continued
to benefit from the Fed’s low interest rate policy, Obama’s continuation of the
“too big to fail” policy with its attendant moral hazard, the dropping of the
mark to market rule, and the continued purchasing of bank debt by the Fed at
Geithner’s prompting.[51]
Furthermore, by early 2010 there was no longer any discussion of reviving
Glass-Steagall. Wall Street was not overly concerned at the prospect of the
financial reforms being discussed; while there might be some things the Street
wouldn’t like the benefits of big government would continue.[52] Obama’s “green agenda” promised to generate billions in
profits for favored big business as well as for Wall Street investment banks,
while his high tax agenda did not bother the Street since that would be offset
by the greater amount of money they would make under his administration.[53]
Above all the Fed policies and
government guarantees were like having a convenient put option with the
taxpayer on the other side.
It must be said that Obamanomics had in some sense
reduced the big bankers to the status of government bureaucrats. But in
compensation to their wounded pride they were extremely well paid bureaucrats.[54]
Of course it should be added that they had already been extremely well paid for
several decades to carry out government policy. Obama, the Clintons and
Democrats in general like the big Wall Street firms because they share the
progressive ideology and implement ‘social justice’ policies. In this respect,
having observed the failure of centralized top-heavy socialism, these
progressive Democrats have moved away from classical Marxism and have adopted a
model closer to the one pioneered in Fascist Italy. Therefore it is not
surprising that the Democrat leadership does not like the small white
entrepreneurs of Main Street, or the smaller banks, who are harder to direct
and control; these are disparaged as the ‘bitter clingers’.
These small businesses are not protected by the cozy
crony capitalism relationship with government that the large Wall Street firms
and major banks have. They are doing the rational thing in times of great
uncertainty by hoarding cash, cutting employment and not making new
investments. While small business and average citizens worry about the massive
debt issued by the Obama administration Wall Street has been silent about this
debt and the new spending programs. Wall Street and the large banks stand to
profit from handling these credit needs. Thus while mandatory health care
reform may be burdensome to small business, Wall Street clients will be
relatively unaffected. These large businesses as in the big pharmaceutical and
insurance companies are even profiting from these fiscal policies and new
Therefore, the policies of the Federal Reserve along with
government guarantees benefit Wall Street at the expense of small businesses
and entrepreneurs. Wall Street is able to borrow nearly free of charge to carry
out its business of trading and brokering; at the same time loans are denied to
small businesses. While the big banks and Wall Street have benefitted, ordinary
Americans with their wealth diminished and facing high unemployment continued
to suffer. Moreover, as Charles Gasparino observes: “Wall Street is one of the
few places where failure of great magnitude is an accepted way of life: Almost
no CEO of a major Wall Street firm was forced out over the events that led to
the 2008 financial collapse.”[56]
Foibles of the New
York Financial Elite: Liberals Behaving Badly
The members of the liberal financial elite pride
themselves on their philanthropy and concern for ‘social justice’. But while
they purport to worry about the poor, the underprivileged and various
discriminated against minorities their actions in pursuit of their
self-interest belie such professions of concern. Indeed they appear to be
characterized by an enormous self-involvement and an almost total lack of self-reflection.
Thus, walled off from their liberal progressive ideology is their actual
behavior. As we have seen, these liberals of the financial world have cheated
their own clients and freeloaded off middle and working class taxpayers. They
have taken good care of their own finances, accumulating billions, through
cheating and lying. Their actions include deceiving unsophisticated home buyers
on mortgages and then rushing to foreclose, which was the road to wealth of the
Sandlers and Golden West Financial.
MF Global led by the ultra-liberal Jon Corzine has put
its small farmer clients at risk. Currency speculators, like the godfather of
progressive organizations George Soros, think nothing of undermining currencies
thereby bringing economic chaos into the lives of lower class foreigners. This
clique lives insulated from the problems they often help to create while
engaging in social and environmental hypocrisy; imposing rules on others that
don’t apply to themselves. They are champions of mass cheap labor immigration undermining
American workers’ wages and displacing the very minorities they preach about
helping. Their globalist policies also include the outsourcing of U.S. jobs
thereby enriching and empowering foreign despotic regimes. And all of this is
facilitated by corrupting bureaucrats and politicians. And at the same time
they generously set standards of behavior for the other members of society. The
fewer conservative members of the financial leadership may not act any better
but at least they are less hypocritical.
In addition to such major scandals and conflicts of
interest there are a number of instances of personal eccentricities and foibles
characteristic of the Wall Street financial elite. The remarkable
self-involvement of the liberal financial leadership, particularly those among
the New York set is worthy of several Seinfeld comedy episodes. The following
are just a few illustrative examples. Drug use, particularly marijuana and
cocaine, is common among the New York financial community as it is elsewhere.
Jimmy Cayne of Bear Stearns, as we have seen was known in the financial industry as a heavy user of pot. He was also the
victim of a less insidious addiction; Cayne was such a fanatical bridge player
that he was away at a tournament at the time of the collapse of the Bear
Stearns hedge funds. It is true that Cayne was a Republican; however he was so
lacking in partisanship as to be on good terms with his Democrat associates and
to contribute to the campaigns of ultra-liberals Chuck Schumer and Charles
Rangel. Another CEO of Bear Stearns was
a staunch liberal. Ace Greenberg, for many years head of Bear Stearns
“had once donated $1 million to a hospital so homeless men could enjoy sex by
having access to free Viagra.” And he proudly announced this bizarre charitable
endeavor in the New York Times.[57]
Donating for homeless sex may be strange and amusing, but
at least it is a straightforward expression of liberal ideals. Hypocrisy is a
rather more troubling aspect on the part of the liberal financial elite, as
illustrated in the following tale from nursery school. To obtain the support in
a boardroom fight from one of his executives, Jack Grubman, Sandy Weill
contributed $1 million from Citigroup to an elite Upper East Side nursery
school that Grubman was trying to get his twin children into. Hedge fund
manager and former investment banker Richard Bookstaber comments on the affair:
“The competitive nursery school phenomenon is a New York singularity that is
difficult for normal folk to fathom. Many of those parents fiercely competing
for spots for their children are simultaneously pushing for diversity,
affirmative action, and social equality on many fronts; it’s just that the
public school down the street is not one of them. … The focus is on entering
the exceptional parent body and the privilege of paying $20,000 or more a year
to connect to the high-society play date underground.”[58]
Another instance involves a jet-setting foreigner who,
with frequent trips to New York must be accounted an honorary member of the New
York liberal financial leadership. Dominique Strauss Kahn, a French economist,
lawyer, politician, and member of the French Socialist Party became Managing
Director of the International Monetary Fund in 2007. Long time socialist
Strauss Kahn became a darling of liberals as he sought to reform the IMF and
make it much friendlier to developing nations. Liberal economist Joseph Stiglitz
was one of those who heaped praise on the new IMF director. Stiglitz asserts
that under Strauss Kahn the IMF began the reform of its lending process finally
recognizing the need for Keynesian stimulus policies. “Its managing director
explicitly talked about the risks of premature removal of stimulus”.[59]
Given the scandal of Strauss Kahn’s tryst with a maid in a New York hotel in
2011, Stiglitz’ choice of words proved to be particularly prescient. The
ironies in this tale are wondrous to behold. A jet-setting liberal
international financial bureaucrat becomes head of the IMF, sets out to end its
unfairness to developing countries including the impoverished nations of Africa
and is lionized by his fellow liberals in finance. While visiting New York on
IMF business he has an encounter with an African hotel maid, one of many
immigrants admitted to the U.S. on rather dubious asylum claims, who
subsequently accuses him of rape. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction among
the high finance set.
Ideology in Action
The kingpins of finance, as much as any other leadership elites,
are characterized by the long march through the institutions. Wall Street may
not be as much inclined to liberal notions as Hollywood or academe, but these
all share the worldview prevalent among students of the 60s, 70s and 80s. With
varying degrees of dislike for American culture Wall Street executives, along
with many others in the corporate elite are enthusiastic proponents of diversity,
multiculturalism and affirmative action. In addition the commitment to
globalism is one that unites the liberal elite with that of their mainstream
conservative counterparts. Financial leaders along with their friends in
government are happy to promote policies that serve their own personal
interests in terms of fashionable clichés. Thus, Bill Clinton, commenting on
the repeal of Glass Steagall eagerly pointed out how it was designed to help
the new information age globalization economy.[60]
Everything must be cast into these terms, no matter how much in reality these
may serve the financial interests of the elites. There was great idealism
expressed by the Sandlers, Angelo Mozilo and others as they spoke in lofty
terms of how their new innovations were in the service of social justice while
in reality these were in the service of their own bank accounts. The wealth
should indeed be spread, as long as it is not their own. Other characteristics
that typify this class are the failure to learn through experience, cognitive
dissonance, self-censoring of unacceptable thoughts, self-righteousness and, of
course, a large dose of liberal guilt.
Long March from
the 60s
On Wall Street, as elsewhere, the new left student
generation followed the prescriptions of Alinsky and Gramsci who advocated a
"long march through the institutions” to capture the media, universities,
foundations and legal system; also included were the major corporations. The
new generation of Wall Street leaders considered themselves to be capitalists,
but also progressives willing to use their money to support the left wing
agenda. In fact, the current Wall Street executive class has a lot in common
with Obama’s idealistic young supporters; they are far more progressive than
their predecessors of previous years. The only thing that may distinguish them
from their liberal peers “is that they rarely shy away from an opportunity to
turn a profit, especially when turning that profit allows them to satisfy their
social consciences at the same time.”[61]
One illustration of this marriage of business and progressivism occurred in
2011 at the Obama White House. CEO of the Business Roundtable John Engler, CEO
of Cargill Greg Page, COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandberg, former Republican
Senator from Florida and current JP Morgan Chase executive Mel Martinez were
all present to discuss ways of building support for a new illegal alien
The presence of Martinez shows the continuing commitment to ‘diversity’ on the
part of Dimon and JP Morgan Chase, as well as the adoption of the progressive
outlook by supposedly conservative Republicans.
In the long march from their student days to the
executive suites, the progressive business elite has followed the strategy set
forth by radical thinker Saul Alinsky who urged them not to reject middle class
values but to transform them. “If the same predatory drives for profits can be
partially transmuted for progress then we will have opened a whole new ball
game. I suggest here that this new policy will give its executives a reason for
what they are doing – a chance for a meaningful life.”[63]
So the drive to end poverty and discrimination has been adopted by many if not
most of those who have climbed the ladder to the top of the corporate
structure. Furthermore, the “writing of middle-class organization had better be
on the walls by 1972.”[64]
And indeed that year marked the effective end of graduation for the 60s radical
collegians and also marked the beginning of their migration into positions of
institutional power. And they were soon joined by additional radicalized
cohorts throughout the 70s and into the early 80s. As it turned out converting
many middle class Americans to the new progressive outlook, particularly the
lower middle class of skilled workers was no easy task. So to speed things up
the new radical elite also embarked on a simpler strategy – elect a new people.
A policy that directly evolved from the collaboration
between the liberal bankers, politicians and regulators, and was the precipitating
factor in the financial meltdown, was affirmative action in home ownership. As
we have seen the Wall Street crowd loves big government and the profits it
brings them. And there was much profit to be made from the Clinton
administration’s prodding for the expansion of mortgages.
The profit potential in subprime affirmative mortgages
was seen early on by Angelo Mozilo CEO of Countrywide Financial. Mozilo was a
particular friend of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, providing them with
sweetheart mortgages but did tilt slightly to Republicans in his contributions.
Mozilo created his own mutual fund company as an investment vehicle for his
clients. He also pushed to expand the subprime market to include more
working-class neighborhoods, particularly in California, Nevada and Florida. He
“believed that working-class families, many of them minorities and immigrants
were truly shafted by Wall Street.”[65]
Barney Frank was able to secure approval of many pieces of deregulation which
were beneficial to Mozilo and his fellow mortgage financiers. One might surmise
that the deal the politicians made with the Street and the GSEs was to deliver
deregulation in return for subprime mortgages.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were allied with Mozilo, Dodd
and Frank; the GSEs, in addition to guaranteeing and securitizing mortgages, and
with the protection of Dodd and Frank held large amounts on their books.[66]
It was an ingenious three way trade; Mozilo provides sweetheart deals to Dodd
and Frank who in turn allow the GSEs to hold large amounts of mortgage debt
originated by Mozilo and other mortgage bankers on their books. There was also
a tight web of personal relationships connecting Fannie with Citigroup, the New
York Fed, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and, of course the ever-present
Goldman Sachs. Arnold Ahlert outlines
these connections:
1996, Fannie added Stephen Friedman, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs, to
its board. In 1999, Johnson [onetime CEO of Fannie] joined Goldman’s board.
That same year Henry M. Paulson Jr. became the head of Goldman and was in
charge when the firm created many of its most disastrous securities–while
Geithner’s New York Fed looked the other way. As the Treasury secretary under
George W. Bush, Paulson would oversee the taxpayer bailout of Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac, Goldman, Citigroup, other banks and the giant insurer American
International Group (A.I.G), on which Goldman had relied. As head of the New
York Fed, and then as the Treasury secretary, Geithner would also oversee the
As we have seen Angelo Mozilo leaned toward the
Republicans but he was either of the liberal or else of the Bush/Rove
compassionate conservative variety. Democrats were the major players in the
affirmative mortgage game but were assisted by a number of Republican enablers.
Jack Kemp HUD secretary in the George HW Bush administration was the first to
push the idea of ‘empowerment zones.’ His successor under Clinton, Henry
Cisneros pushed that initiative much further as he used the housing agencies to
help the poor obtain mortgages. He was determined to eradicate poverty by
“mandating laws to force banks to lend to those most in need and with the least
ability to pay.”[68] The
‘compassionate conservatives’ of the George W. Bush administration echoed the
Clinton policies as they attempted to pander to groups previously hostile to
them. Bush and his advisor Karl Rove also labored under “our reigning ideology
of multiculturalism and diversity” thereby contributing to the “minority mortgage
meltdown.” As blogger and one-time financial analyst Steve Sailer put it: “You
might think, therefore, that the way to help minorities make higher wages would
be to alleviate competition
for their jobs by cracking down on legal and illegal immigration.
Bush and Rove didn't have a plan for helping minorities earn more. Instead,
they had a plan for helping minorities borrow more.”[69]
The leaders of Wall Street were well aware that the
housing crisis was the result of government policies pushing homeownership.[70]
Nevertheless, they understood that it was necessary for their accomplices in
government to make a public show of outrage with investigations and financial
reform proposals. Thus, Congresswoman
Maxine Waters, whose husband owned stock in a bank that received a taxpayer
bailout, lashed out at a group of bank CEOs appearing before her house
committee. “The irony of Waters’ vitriol is that she, with other class-warfare
types, was maybe just as responsible as the Wall Streeters for starting the
crisis she was now investigating” as “a huge proponent of the Community
Reinvestment Act and other measures that forced banks to lend to poor
communities for housing.”[71]
Wall Street and
It was obvious to anyone working on the Street or in any
institution dealing with the Street and the major banks that diversity has been
an obsession for at least thirty years. Any reasonably intelligent and
presentable African-American or other minority was worth his weight in gold on
the Street. The same applies to recent immigrants and to women. Charles Gasparino tells an illuminating tale
about the adverse impact of the ideology of diversity on the once prestigious
Merrill Lynch. Having worked in the 80s and 90s at the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York I have seen similar examples of such affirmative action favoritism,
though of less obvious impact.
Stan O’Neal, grandson of a slave, grew up in the
segregated south where he experienced racism and segregation. An excellent
student he worked at the General Motors finance department before he was
recruited into the investment banking division of Merrill Lynch in 1986. Smart,
aggressive and capable of much charm he advanced rapidly through the ranks of
management eventually becoming CFO. However, he believed that he was being held
back and would often either not show up at work or threaten to quit; each time
he was given a raise and induced to stay. Finally in 2001 O’Neal was named
president by CEO David Komansky. He had proved himself an effective manager,
cutting costs and increasing productivity. “The bad part, to Komansky, was that
O’Neal had made it known that Mother Merrill – a culture he considered more
racist than paternalist – would be out the minute he was named CEO.”[72]
Building a base of support on the Merrill Board O’Neal
succeeded Komansky as CEO in 2003. He set about attacking Merrill’s traditional
white working class Irish Catholic culture that went back almost a century. As
early as 2000 he began firing many workers in the brokerage departments; in
addition to resenting their presumed racism, O’Neal with a Harvard MBA was an
elitist determined to bring in more highly educated technocrats. “O’Neal
believed that Mother Merrill was not just idealized and ill suited to
modern times but bred a certain degree
of racism at the firm and hampered the firm from being what it needed to be in
order to survive: a truly modern, international, meritocratic company. “[73]
O’Neal ignored the advice of Merrill market analysts and the
head of global wealth management Robert McCann who saw that the housing market
was in a bubble. “In O’Neal’s mind … McCann represented … the dark years when
Merrill Lynch had eschewed risk, instead selling stocks through its brokers,
while the firm was run by a club of Irish-American drunks … who had gotten
their jobs through the patronage of ‘Mother Merrill’ and who could barely
contain their racism as an outsider like O’Neal rose through the ranks to
become the first African American to run a major Wall Street firm.”[74]
To help him carry out his ambitions of entering the lucrative mortgage bond
business and to turn Merrill into a diverse multicultural institution O’Neal
promoted Dow Kim a trader from Korea to head the bond department and Osman
Semerci a young salesman of Turkish descent to head fixed income. His most
important appointment was that of Egyptian-born quant, Ahmass Fakahany who
became his chief operating officer and principal adviser. The lack of
experience and thin resumes of this diverse new team was a cause for concern to
the firm’s old guard. One of Fakahany’s first acts was to attack Merrill’s
traditional white Euro-based culture by turning the dining room into an Asian
Although his new initiatives met with resistance from the old guard, “O’Neal
was unimpressed by them all, in fact by just about anything that is, except for
himself, which made his tenure as CEO of Merrill Lynch … one of the strangest,
most volatile, and ultimately most disastrous that Wall Street had ever seen.”[76]
O’Neal and his diversity protégés were very well paid for
their maladministration. In 2006 O’Neal
earned a $50 million bonus with Fakahany and Dow Kim not far behind. None were
required to repay their bonus money after the great meltdown took Merrill with
Their war against the white middle class was very profitable. Furthermore it
was the taxpayers who ultimately paid for their remuneration; in this
particular case it was just another cost of diversity. When the crunch came
O’Neal blamed one of Merrill’s long-time senior risk managers, who in this case
was simply the messenger bearing bad news. But the ones who were more to blame
were O’Neal for his overall strategy plus Fakahany, Semerci and Dow Kim with
direct responsibility for faulty risk management.[78]
O’Neal scapegoated the tech who actually knew what he was doing instead of his
own ‘rainbow’ upper management.
The final irony to this sad history came when Henry
Paulson hearing of O’Neal’s resignation was effusive in his praise telling
O’Neal that he should be proud of his attempts to change the firm’s culture and
make it more competitive.[79]
Coming from the ‘Republican’ Hank Paulson such praise is quite illuminating;
diversity trumps all even making the bankruptcy of an old prestigious firm and
the economic catastrophe it helped bring about irrelevant. O’Neal was a man
with a strong grievance regarding alleged racism combined with a sense of
entitlement which his superiors were all too eager to appease. Seventeen years
was certainly not a long time to rise to the head position despite his
incessant complaining. All indications, however, are that O’Neal was a highly
intelligent, effective and competent CFO. But he was totally unsuited to the chief
position at Merrill given his racial resentments and outsize ego. His
advancement was the result of affirmative action as was the choice of his chief
aides; all of which resulted in disaster for a venerable and once respected firm.
Lehman Brothers was another Wall Street firm that was ill
served by diversity hiring and promotion practices in the time just before the
meltdown. Joe Gregory, second in command under CEO Fuld made an ill-fated
hiring decision. He “believed a senior executive named Erin Callan was the
complete package: smart, loquacious, and very attractive. She mixed well with
clients and she was also a woman, something Gregory saw as an asset in terms of
diversity given the male-dominated world of Wall Street. More than anything she
bled Lehman green, meaning she shared Fuld’s and Gregory’s enthusiasm for risk,
and Gregory trusted her. Gregory let it be known that Callan, currently the
head of hedge fund sales, was going places. Within a few months she was named
CFO of Lehman.”[80]
Callan had no background in quantitative risk management techniques. However
with her charisma and movie-star appearance she was useful to Fuld in his spin
job as he attempted to keep Lehman from imploding. But the mask was soon
removed as some experienced market analysts realized how lacking in experience
and substance she really was. At an interview with analyst David Einhorn,
Callan struggled to “answer simple questions about the firm’s financial
A less well known example of Lehman’s (and the Street’s)
diversity hiring obsession is the case of a Haitian immigrant who began working
as a telemarketer at 18 and then joined Lehman Brothers becoming a VP before
she actually finished her degree. She “had an illustrious 20-year career that
included leadership of innovative programs to enhance diversity and inclusion.
She retired from Lehman Brothers in 2008.”[82]
Having helped Lehman rearrange its diversity deckchairs just before it struck
its financial iceberg, the onetime student telemarketer, in a fortuitous case
of excellent timing, left Lehman just before the bust. Also worthy of note is
that the story was written totally without a sense of irony.
Citigroup had its own ‘Erin Callan’ when Sandy Weill
appointed Sallie Krawcheck to the CFO position “despite her lack of
experience”.[83] A
final illustrative example, as previously discussed, is the case of Franklin
Raines who earned some $90 million in the 6 years between 1998 and 2004 as
Fannie Mae head. An accounting scandal brought his tenure to an end with very
little press outcry since Fannie was working for social justice.[84]
The fact that Raines is black also helped, no doubt, in his original
appointment as well as in his favorable press coverage. The preceding examples,
to reiterate, are typical of the widespread diversity practiced by all of the
financial firms and regulatory authorities.
Everything and Learn Nothing
It is true that there has been some unease on the part of
the financial community with the Obama administration given both the state of
the economy and the continuing anti-Wall Street rhetoric. Nevertheless, support
for the current administration is still very strong on the Street. Following
the election, donors from Wall Street paid almost $5 million to underwrite
Obama’s inauguration. Among Obama’s most
prominent 2012 bundlers are the scandal-ridden Jon Corzine, Azita Raji, a
former investment banker for JP Morgan; and Charles Myers, an executive with
the investment bank Evercore Partners .[85]
Top finance industry connected fundraisers also include UBS executive Robert Wolf, hedge-fund manager Orin
Kramer and former chief of staff, William Daley.[86]
Kramer and Wolf, as we have seen are long-time Obama loyalists; Daley as
previously noted has served as a bridge between the Chicago Democrat machine
and JP Morgan Chase.
So far Obama has retained persistent support from many of
his former financial and banking
sector contributors. Obama’s fundraising reach even extends to Romney’s
one-time turf, Bain Capital where he has outraised Romney by two to one.[87]
Employees of bankrupt MF Global, loyally following their chairman, have
raised over $100,000 for the Obama campaign; one MF Global trader broke with
the pack by sending the Romney campaign a $2,500 check. Another major current
source of cash for the Obama campaign is Chicago-based Chopper Trading, which
employs a controversial high-frequency trading technique thought to increase
market volatility and to be the cause of the 2010 market “flash crash.” Its
head Raj Fernando recently held a fundraiser with Vice President Biden raising
at least $200,000 for the Democrats. Employees of Credit Suisse, under
investigation for alleged tax evasion schemes, have contributed almost $50
thousand to the Obama campaign.[88]
just as many on Wall Street are continuing their support of ‘progressive’
politicians, their friends in government have failed to learn the lessons of
the subprime meltdown. The Department of Justice is once more pressuring banks
to make risky mortgage loans to minority applicants. A new DOJ agency, the
Fair Lending Unit, has been created toward that end and has already achieved
results in strong-arming banks to provide minority mortgage set-asides. The
banks continue to be caught in a double bind. “On one hand, it is against the
law for banks to compile data on race, gender or age for nonmortgage loan
applications. On the other hand, the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act requires the
compilation of such data.” The DOJ expects the banks to collect the very data
that will be turned against them. As one regulatory risk consultant observes: ”If we do an analysis and it suggests that fair-lending risk exists, those
analyses can themselves be risks.”[89]
It appears that the stage is being set for further trouble in the mortgage
Politicians, Crony Politics and Capitalism
Crony capitalism is nothing new in American economic and
political life. As explained already, Wall Street and the large banks have for
the most part had their way in the political process for the two decades
preceding the financial crisis and also in the years since. The government
sponsored housing agencies, Fannie Mae in particular, were the crony capitalist
corporations par excellence in the years leading up to the crisis. In the mid-1990s
the Clinton administration initiated a partnership between the private mortgage
sector and Fannie and Freddie to encourage home ownership. Government backing,
a de facto subsidy, enabled the agencies to pursue that objective while
simultaneously enriching top management. Fannie management was assisted in that
by such political friends as deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, the
apt pupil of master government-financial industry go-between Robert Rubin, and
also by Republican operative Kenneth Starr, the former solicitor general. To
assure continued cooperation between the agencies and government Clinton in his
final year stacked the agencies with prominent Democrat political operatives; Rahm
Emanuel, Harold Ickes, Dwight Robinson at Freddie Mac and Jack Quinn, Eli Segal, Jamie
Gorelick, Franklin Raines at Fannie Mae.
Favors being exchanged between politicians and management
at government sponsored corporations are not unexpected. However, much of Wall
Street and banking was turned into one big Fannie Mae with financial
corporations carrying out government policy in exchange for favors accompanied
by a back and forth flow of personnel. When Wall Street and the banks wanted
deregulation they found friends on both sides of the aisle willing to assist.
We have seen how Robert Rubin helped Sandy Weill of Citigroup achieve his
desired repeal of Glass-Steagall which was an obstacle to Weill’s ambitions to
expand his reach into financial trading.
Rubin found an ally in Republican Phil Gramm, chairman of the Senate
Banking Committee from 1995 through 2000. In 1999 the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
repealed Glass-Steagall which dates from the early Depression-era and which
separated commercial from investment banking. Gramm followed up by supporting
another favored Clinton initiative the Commodity Futures Modernization Act
which, among other things, exempted over-the-counter derivatives transactions,
notably credit default swaps from government regulation. It was no great
surprise when Gramm moved into a position with a major financial firm, UBS AG,
in 2009. Gramm’s economist wife, Wendy, headed the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission from 1988 to 1993. During her tenure the CFTC exempted Enron from regulation
in the trading of energy derivatives; soon afterward she left the CFTC and
accepted an appointment to Enron’s board of directors.
Financial Reform
Following the financial meltdown the political class
tried to distance themselves from their one-time Wall Street friends; even such
a useful tool as Senator Schumer attempted to tie the greedy bankers to the
Republicans. Talk of reform was in the air; one proposal was that the firms
spin off their derivatives units. However, worries on the Street were
premature. As the legislation took shape it was apparent that there would be no
breaking up of the banks and no mandate for the big banks to spin off their trading
units. Banks would be required to hold greater capital reserves against the
possibility of systemic risk. Banks would also be given breaks on capital
required to be held for community based socially responsible lending and Fannie
and Freddie would be relatively untouched.[90]
Clearly no lessons were drawn from the subprime collapse.
Furthermore, the Fed was to be given overall regulatory
control with expanded powers; the bureaucrats at the Fed were to be given a
second chance despite their failure to use their existing powers prior to the
meltdown; the SEC was also given enhanced regulatory authority.[91]
That failure was, as we have seen, a result of the incestuous relationship
between the regulators and the firms; the crony regulatory agencies will be treated
in greater detail below. Wall Street ultimately backed the bill understanding
that the new regulation can be molded to protect the powerful. Also implicit in
the legislation was the ‘too big to fail’ loophole so beloved by Wall Street
and the big banks. In addition the much touted Volcker rule would still allow
the firms to earn hefty management fees.[92]
It was ironic that subprime pushers Dodd and Frank had
their names on the new bill, and that Freddie and Fannie were untouched by the
reform and slated for revival. Gasparino sums up the post meltdown spirit of
‘reform’ as follows. “In other words, on Wall Street the nanny state lives, no
matter how many times the protection of the financial sector by the federal
government has been at the heart of the massive risk taking that has led to
thirty years of booms and busts, and ultimately the recent great recession that
may not be felt on Wall Street, but continues to squeeze the lives on Main
Friends in
Democrat Places
Crony capitalism between the financial community and
government has reached new heights under the current liberal administration.
Vikram Pandit, CEO of Citi, by cultivating the friendship of administration
favorite Jeffrey Immelt and by endorsing the administration’s proposed limits
on executive pay helped steer his bank back to profitability. In addition JP
Morgan, headed by Obama supporter Dimon, and Wall Street in general were also
able to work with the administration. In
this they found a friend in Tim Geithner, the protégé of master crony Robert
Rubin. Geithner, one of the architects of the 2008 bank bailout was so loved on
Wall Street that his selection as Treasury Secretary sparked a stock market rally.
The Street viewed this bureaucrat who spent his whole career in lower Manhattan
with favor recalling that he always had a soft spot for Wall Street and the
banks in spite of his lack of actual business experience.[94]
Geithner’s sympathies did not extend to smaller businesses on which he was all
too willing to raise taxes. While I had already left the New York Fed before
Geithner began his ascension there, I am quite familiar with his “type”. The
executives at the New York Fed were once aptly described to me by a long time
staff member as a “bunch of smoothies.”
Federal subsidies for select favored friends in business
are illustrated in the government – ‘green power’ complex. Democratic donor and
frequent White House guest, billionaire investor George Kaiser received a
half-billion-dollar stimulus subsidy for solar energy company Solyndra. Kaiser
and the other wealthy Solyndra investors were put ahead of the taxpayers in the
queue for recouping money from the bankrupt firm. Another bankrupt solar
company Beacon Power received some $43 million in loan guarantees from the
Energy Department. Beacon CEO William Capp was a major Obama and Democrat
campaign contributor. Also included among the favored Greens were John Rowe of
Exelon who has close ties to Obama advisors David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel and Frank
Clark of ComEd; Clark was an Obama campaign advisor and major fundraiser.[95]
The Social Justice Brigade
The most important set of actors who set the stage for
the great subprime meltdown and subsequent recession were the true believers in
‘social justice’ in government and in non-profit advocacy groups. Unlike the
financial community liberals and those passing through the government-Wall
Street revolving door, this group of bureaucrats and advocates spent most of
their careers outside of the business sector. Moreover, many of these did not
reap outsize financial rewards. Despite
their apparent good intentions, it was greed of another sort that motivated
them; the greed for power.
The Government
Connection: High profile culprits
Among the highest ranking housing bureaucratic culprits were
Janet Reno, Henry Cisneros, Eric Holder, Andrew Cuomo and Mel Martinez. Reno, Clinton’s
Attorney General was the first to enforce the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
by intimidating banks with threats of legal action if they did not give loans
to unqualified borrowers. Her deputy, Eric Holder, helped Reno in her war
against the banks. HUD Secretary Cisneros pushed the CRA initiative by using
the housing agencies to help the poor obtain mortgages. Cisneros was one
bureaucrat who did rather well after leaving office; he received more than $5
million in stock sales and board salary from Countrywide. Maggie Williams,
Hillary’s chief of staff was another bureaucrat who did well in the mortgage
industry; she went on to make $200,000 serving on the board of soon to be
bankrupt subprime lender Delta Financial Corporation.[96]
Of course, compared to other high
ranking former bureaucrats like Raines, their remuneration was rather modest.
However, it was Andrew Cuomo, Cisneros’ successor who made
the most crucial decisions that gave rise to the mortgage meltdown. He pushed Fannie
and Freddie into the subprime markets and turned the Federal Housing
Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart mortgage lender. Cuomo was
close to the Mortgage Bankers Association; these had the long-time goal of
pressuring the GSEs into supporting more affordable housing. Cuomo helped out
his mortgage banker supporters by enabling their use of yield-spread premiums,
payments to brokers based both on the borrower’s actual rate and the going rate
that they would otherwise pay. This boon to his supporters shows that Cuomo was
willing to put his political pragmatism above his principles. He cultivated
support for his New York political ambitions with Harold Ickes, former Clinton
chief of staff and a Democrat power broker who was on the Freddie Mac board and
Tom Downey, a former New York congressman who was a Fannie lobbyist. Cuomo’s
political pragmatism is also shown by his friendship with an equally protean
New York politician from across the aisle. Former Republican Senator Al D'Amato
helped push Cuomo’s appointment through the Republican controlled Senate; D'Amato
was a consultant at Fannie.[97]
At present New York Governor Cuomo is trying to establish a niche for himself
as a fiscally responsible Democrat; no doubt with future high office in mind.
Cuomo’s HUD successor, Republican Mel Martinez continued
to push these housing goals by carrying out the Bush/Rove policy of putting
greater emphasis on Hispanic immigrants as affordable housing beneficiaries.
The end result of these initiatives by the Justice Department and Housing and
Urban Development was that the GSE’s were forced to carry out the policies of
Washington elected officials. The mortgage bankers such as Angelo Mozilo made
out quite well. The politicians were rewarded with easy votes and the GSE
management was, of course, very well compensated for complying. The banks and
Wall Street did quite well, for a while at least, devising new instruments and
trading strategies for spreading the risk around.
Second Tier
None of these marvels would have been possible were it
not for the diligent work of a number of second tier government bureaucrats. One
such was John Trasvina, the highest ranked Hispanic in the Reno Justice
Department who is now, as HUD assistant secretary, pushing the banks and the
GSEs to return to ‘fair lending’ practices.[98]
Michael Waldman was a community activist hired by the Clinton administration to
coordinate housing strategy with groups such as ACORN. Eugene Ludwig, an
advocate of a ‘democratization of credit’ database and former Clinton classmate
became Comptroller of the Currency. A
one-time law partner in Holder’s law firm, he now advises the Obama
administration. Paul Hancock was chief
of housing and civil enforcement inside the Reno Justice Department; he
originated the fair-lending enforcement program. Following his doing ‘good’ in
the Clinton administration he did quite well for himself as an attorney helping
lenders deal with the very regulations he helped to set up. William Apgar was
Cuomo’s senior advisor; following the crisis he is once again an advisor on
mortgage finance at HUD where he proposes extending the CRA to other financial
institutions involved in lending. Allen Fishbein, Apgar’s assistant, criticized
the Bush administration for not cracking down on the very Fannie and Freddie
subprime mortgages that he helped set up in the first place. Phil Angelides, in
a case of the fox guarding the henhouse, was made Chairman of the Financial
Crisis Inquiry Commission. Previously he was California State Treasurer where
he pushed California public employees’ retirement systems to invest in urban
communities, a policy that resulted in substantial losses.[99]
The theory behind the governing class giving that role to Angelides was very
much like the appointment of Jamie Gorelick to the 911 Commission; who better
to cover up a crisis than someone who helped to enable it. Clearly Angelides
and the others are all members of the permanent government.
Two more important diversity bureaucrats were Roberta
Achtenberg and Alicia Munnell. Achtenberg, a onetime radical gay activist and
product of the UC Berkeley law school was HUD assistant secretary in the
Clinton administration. She zealously cracked down on ‘racist’ banks; she set
up a “strike force” to root out discrimination.[100]
She stretched civil rights laws beyond their elastic limit going after banks
and intimidating private citizens opposed to her various low income housing
Achtenberg cited the work of Munnell in support of her
view that the banks were hotbeds of racism.
Alicia Munnell, another stalwart of the diversity gang was a long time
Boston limousine radical. Economist Munnell was a Wellesley college graduate
married to a corporate lawyer. She was a believer in punitive taxation,
although it is probable that such taxation would be selectively directed
against the American middle class and not against well-heeled Bostonians. She
actually proposed a 15% tax on private pension assets and retirement accounts
to help redistribute wealth. A friend of Hillary Clinton who served on the
Clinton health care task force, Munnell became director of research at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston where she authored the notorious Boston Fed
housing discrimination study. This study, to be discussed in more detail in the
next chapter, was one of the foundation stones of the affirmative mortgage
initiatives. Federal Reserve Governor Lawrence Lindsey pushed banks to accept her
Boston Fed study; Cuomo later cited her report as supporting the goals he imposed
on the mortgage lenders.[101]
Activists and Organizers
Community organizers, academics and other non-profit
entities have been the most important advocates for ‘housing justice’. There
was an unusually large concentration of these activists, in and out of
government in the Boston region. Wade Rathke, of ACORN attended the elite
Massachusetts Williams College. Other elite members of the privileged
Harvard/Boston/ academic white elite in this camp include the above cited
Alicia Munnell a Wellesley grad and later professor at Boston College; and
Elizabeth Warren from the Harvard law faculty who is now a candidate for the Senate.
It is also noteworthy that these advocates’ best friend in Congress, Barney
Frank is from upscale Newton Massachusetts. The following are the major
subprime-pushing nonprofits; their impact has been aptly characterized by Paul
Sperry as follows: “The banking industry has forked over billions to these
race-baiting parasites.”[102]
The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America and
its founder Bruce Marks believes that owning a home is a ‘right’; they have
been quite successful in shaking down banks. Another successful bank shakedown
group is the National People’s Action Network based in Chicago one of whose
founders is Obama mentor, Northwestern University professor John McKnight. One
of their actions was the picketing of Cuomo’s offices; he was not sufficiently
zealous in pursuing housing justice for their taste. The Greenlining Institute
was a San Francisco based advocacy group. They induced California state
treasurer and future chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Phil
Angelides to persuade California public employees’ retirement systems to invest
in urban communities. Many of these investments resulted in ruinous losses;
thus the chairman helped fuel the very financial crisis he was tasked with
investigating. Another activist group was the National Community Reinvestment
Coalition which successfully lobbied the GSEs to increase their low-income mortgage
targets. The group was founded by John Taylor who later earned hundreds of
thousands of dollars as chairman of a mutual fund which invested in such
It appears that this housing activist turned into one of the much hated
Perhaps the best-known of these activist organizations is
the now disgraced ACORN. This organization used intimidation tactics to force
banks to lower credit standards. ACORN's
Democrat friends in Congress assisted them in inducing Fannie and Freddie to
increase subprime lending. It was largely due to the influence of ACORN and
other advocacy groups along with the Democrats in Congress and the Clinton
administration in pursuing housing
‘fairness’, that the subprime contagion spread throughout the entire
financial system.[104] ACORN first attacked the banks for not
lending and afterward accused them of predatory lending; Wells Fargo and HSBC
were their particular targets. One HSBC bank executive said of them: “They
drove us into minority communities and now they say we’re too aggressive.”[105]
Sins of the Regulators
Failure on the part of the agencies tasked with financial
regulation was another major contributing factor underlying the economic
meltdown. The Securities and Exchange Commission, created in 1934, is charged with the
responsibility of regulating the securities industry and the nation's stock and options exchanges. In
the 1930s the Agriculture Department was given regulatory authority over
commodities options and futures markets. In 1974 the Commodities Futures
Trading Commission was established to assume authority over the commodities
markets. In 1981 an accord was reached between the SEC and CFTC dividing
jurisdiction over financial futures and options. The Federal Reserve System,
established in December 1913, also has broad regulatory jurisdiction over both
banks and financial markets. The Federal Reserve Board supervises and regulates
the operations of the Federal Reserve Banks, and the U.S. banking system in
general. It also has the authority to set margin requirements on securities.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is charged with broad regulatory authority
over the important New York financial markets.
The task of regulation has always been difficult; in
recent years globalization, rapid trading and tightly coupled markets have made
it more so. Given internationalization and modern technology regulation can
easily drive markets to relocate abroad. “The Fed and other regulators face the
delicate task of ensuring and promoting the stability of the financial system
while not choking off a profitable line of business for many banks.”[106]
In the new financial environment systemic risk has become the major concern. “A
failure of one counterparty to meet the terms of its contract … may threaten
the solvency of its counterparty. The threat would be significant in a
situation in which many counterparties, hit by a severe macroeconomic shock
like a sudden large drop in asset prices, are unable to fulfill their
obligations. In the extreme, this development could set off a domino effect of
defaults that could trigger a financial panic or collapse.”[107]
Capital Adequacy
Holding sufficient reserves of capital is the sine qua
non for minimizing systemic risk. Banks are always seeking ways of minimizing
capital which is tied up in reserves and not contributing to profit. Off-balance
sheet activities are one means of evading capital requirements. These include letters
of credit and guarantees, as well as new innovations outlined in the previous
chapter: swaps and derivatives. Their increased importance beginning in the
1980s attracted the attention of bank regulators whose concerns centered on credit exposure,
interest rate and currency risk. Off-balance sheet and derivative operations
can worsen market instabilities arising from maturity and currency mismatches. Bank
regulators have been particularly concerned about the possibility that
widespread defaults would occur in a bank’s swap portfolio. The bank as swaps
dealer loses if a rise in interest rates leads to a default by the floating
rate payer or if a fall in interest rates leads to a default by the fixed rate
payer. The regulators “have recognized that many institutions under their
supervision take on large market risks, primarily interest rate and currency
exposure, in making markets and trading in swaps.”[108]
Structured Investment Vehicles were another means through which banks could
avoid rigid capital requirements by moving the debt off of their balance
sheets. These large bond funds allowed short-term paper to be sold to investors
as a way of financing holdings of mortgage debt; Citigroup among others had
billions of dollars of debt hidden in SIVs.[109]
Moreover in the decade of the 90s the development of new futures contracts on
such exotica as air pollution, shipping rates, major market indices and
interest rate swaps were approved by the CFTC, adding to regulatory concerns.
The high degree of international interbank depositing
implies that the problems of a single bank can systemically spread world-wide.
In 1974 the failure of a number of banks severely affected the international
financial markets. In response eleven major countries set up the Basel
Committee under the aegis of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). In 1983
the Committee called for sharing of information on banks by the various
national regulatory authorities. They recommended that loopholes be closed,
that regulatory agencies monitor foreign subsidiaries and branches and that
better data be collected on multinational bank balance sheets. In those pre-internet times at the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York a data transmission link with the BIS was implemented; a New
York Fed officer was assigned to the BIS in Basel to coordinate the cooperative
sharing of information.
Persuading the different central banks and regulators to
act in concert was not always an easy road to travel. In the early 80s the
Federal Reserve failed to persuade the other members of the Basel Committee to
impose reserve requirements on Eurocurrency. Finally prompted by the Federal Reserve and
the Bank of England the Basel Committee commenced negotiations culminating in
the capital adequacy standards adopted in 1988. The Basel accord recognizes
that off-balance sheet and derivative operations can worsen market
instabilities arising from maturity and currency mismatches. The 1988 agreement
provided for a transitional period until 1992 before going fully into effect.
Such off balance sheet items as derivatives, standby letters of credit, and
commercial paper guarantees were subject to capital ratio requirements. In addition there was the requirement that
banks devise effective checks in systems for recording foreign exchange
transactions and positions and that these apply to all OTC trading markets in
which banks participate. However, as financial economist Jane D’Arista observed:
“The weakness in the strategy is its emphasis on the individual firm. It
reinforces the lack of market transparency and increases the likelihood that …
gaps in a firm’s recording and monitoring system may go unnoticed, resulting in
large losses (Daiwa) or failure (Barings) and increasing the potential for
systemic repercussions.” Furthermore, such capital adequacy regulations are
likely to be useless in a liquidity crisis and also dangerously pro-cyclical by
supplying capital to the banks in a boom and withholding it in a downturn.[110]
An illustration of the provisions is the requirement that banks maintain 8%
capital against their risk-weighted balance sheet and off-balance sheet items.
The weights are zero for riskless assets, cash and government securities and
20% for bank CDs; home mortgages receive a 50% weight. Considering how risky
the latter turned out to be, this weight was clearly too low. Some of the details
of the Basel requirements along with an overview of the methodology used at the
New York Fed to obtain these are given in Appendix 5.
Thus, the basic idea behind the new BIS regulations was
that the central banks including the Fed would force their banks to hold more
equity capital; the banks would be required by their own central bank to see
that swap and foreign exchange positions were well managed. However, the system was continually evaded by
rogue traders. “Large-scale money center banks routinely had hundreds of
billions of dollars of contingent liabilities on their books as a result of
swaps. These amounts often dwarfed the
banks’ combined capital and assets. Traders knew that these contingents would
only become real liabilities if they were forced to assume the entire principal
amounts of their swap partners, which was an extremely unlikely possibility.”[111]
In April 1993, following the year that the Accord was fully implemented several
changes were proposed. Capital requirements were applied to trading positions
in equities, debt securities, foreign exchange and derivatives. On the other
hand the regulatory restrictions that helped in the past promote the growth of
the Eurocurrency markets were reduced.
The Accord was adopted by over one hundred countries promoting worldwide
standardized and consistent regulations.[112]
Although the BIS regulations placed some pressure on the smaller
banks they also sparked the entry into the swap and derivative markets of non-bank
financial institutions unaffected by the regulations. These were primarily
insurance companies such as Prudential Global Funding, Mercadian, General
Reinsurance and the soon to be notorious AIG Financial Products. Highly rated
banks took advantage of their ratings and of the exit of lower rated more
weakly capitalized banks, to enter these markets; these included Deutsche Bank,
Credit Suisse Financial Products and some Japanese banks.[113]
Additional shortcomings of the new regulations continued to come to light with
the passage of time. New York Fed president Gerald Corrigan continued to
emphasize the need to review the regulation of off balance sheet activities,
derivatives in particular. One criticism leveled at the Accord was its failure
to fully address the means by which institutions manage risk in light of Modern
Portfolio Theory which uses hedging and diversification. According to one of
the leading experts on swaps the approach was one of “seeking protection
against extremely large adverse moves in market factors rather than consistent
and realistic norms for the probable movement in market factors.”[114]
This was the viewpoint held by many working on the Street who, as future events
would make clear, had a bit too much confidence in their valuation models.
In the years following the Basel Accord the world
financial system has witnessed considerable turbulence. The 1994 Mexican bond
crisis followed by the Asian instability and Russian bond crisis of 1998 led to
the creation under the G7 of the Financial Stability Forum and the World
Bank-IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program. Despite the Accord there were a
number of massive corporate losses involving derivatives including a large loss
by Paine Webber in mortgage based notes and, later on, the LTCM debacle which necessitated
a Fed sponsored bailout. Critics pointed to a lack of comprehensive regulatory
requirements and reporting on derivatives deals. In addition there were significant
gaps in the regulation of securities firms, investment banks and the derivatives
units of insurance companies.[115]
Another area of neglect was the growth of asset securitization structures which
distorted the measurement of the real risk undertaken by banks. Much future
harm could have been avoided had some of these early warnings been heeded.
To address some of these concerns the Basel Committee in
1999 introduced a new capital adequacy framework. This consists of minimum
capital requirements based on the original accord but also allowing large
sophisticated banks to make use of their own credit ratings and portfolio
models. The revised proposal also allowed for a supervisory review of capital
adequacy which would encourage early supervisory intervention. Finally, the approach will require market
discipline to encourage higher disclosure standards and enhance the role of
market participants in encouraging the banks to hold adequate capital.[116]
Subsequent events revealed the woeful shortcoming of these initiatives. Even Bernanke
in 2006 noted the inadequacy of the Basel capital standards in controlling the
complexity caused by the growth of structured investment vehicles and other off
balance sheet contrivances which played a major role in speculative excesses.[117]
Regulatory Failure
The failure to oversee and regulate the financial markets
was a key factor in the subprime meltdown. On the macro level the Federal
Reserve Board is charged with regulating the money supply. A broad consensus among economists on both the
right and left was that Greenspan’s rate cuts enabled the housing bubble to
grow. Failure to curb excess liquidity combined with new ingenious methods of
leverage caused the explosion in the balance sheets of banks. There was also
wide agreement that the Board failed to use its powers to rein in subprime
lending. Edward Gramlich, a Fed Governor, warned as early as 2004 that trouble
was building up in the subprime market. [118]
He was one of the few officials to recognize the problem at a relatively early
On the other hand, Greenspan continued to defend his
policies even after the crisis. He commented in his memoir that while he
recognized the increased financial risk of subprime borrowing and subsidized
home ownership he believed that “the benefits of broadened home ownership are
worth the risk. Protection of property rights, so critical to a market economy,
requires a critical mass of owners to sustain political support.”[119]
This reflects the viewpoint of cheap labor business interests. Not willing to
curb massive Hispanic immigration as a source of cheap labor, Greenspan like
members of the Bush administration offered them this bribe in return for votes;
needless to say the strategy didn’t work. Van Overtveldt sums up this
regulatory failure:
is highly questionable whether the benefit of broadened home ownership
sufficiently compensates for the costs brought about by the subprime meltdown
and the subsequent financial crisis: recession, job loss, financial distress,
debt overburden, and ironically, reduced home ownership due to
foreclosures. … Intelligent regulatory
interventions could have substantially reduced the outstanding amounts of
subprime lending.[120]
There was much accurate hindsight among various high
regulatory officials following the onset of the crisis. Tim Geithner was one of
those who had such great hindsight: “Our current system has evolved into a
confusing mix of diffused accountability, regulatory competition, an enormously
complex web of rules that create perverse incentives and leave huge
opportunities for arbitrage and evasion, and create the risk of large gaps in
our knowledge and authority.” Another high Fed official Janet Yellen, president
of the San Francisco Fed, observed that “Financial supervisors and regulators
including the Federal Reserve, were behind the curve as well. We missed some of
the risky developments that were unfolding.
… And we took too long to ramp up some supervisory policies in the face
of mounting risks.” Laura Kodres, a division chief at the IMF’s Monetary and
Capital Markets Department, said “Supervisors had insufficient information and
clout to halt the proliferation of overpriced securities.”[121]
It was all well and good for these senior officials to have such post-meltdown
insights, but none of them acted to build up the appropriate regulatory
apparatus before the fact; Geithner, the former head of the agency most closely
involved with Wall Street had been particularly clueless. However, almost none
of those responsible for managing the nation’s money and credit foresaw the impending
It was in the area of such micro-regulation that the
failure was even more pronounced. The failure of monetary policy combined with
a neglect for timely regulation and an eager solicitude for the banks and
financial companies helped the FIRE sector expand at the expense of an
increasingly hollow real economy. The new Fed chairman Ben Bernanke had some
awareness of these problems as he stressed the need for prudential supervision
and regulation to address the problem of moral hazard ensuring that financial
institutions manage their liquidity before a crisis; and for countercyclical
capital adequacy rules so that institutions increase capital coverage during
booms and decrease it during weak credit conditions.[122]
Despite the indications that some regulators have since become more aware of
the problems, one leading economist still has reservations: “Though there was
often some reference to ‘systemic risk’ in explaining why some institutions got
bailed out and others didn’t’, it was clear that the Fed and the Treasury had
insufficient appreciation of what systemic risk meant before the crisis, and their
understanding remained limited even as the crisis evolved.”[123]
The hedging innovations of the 80s did provide for
increased liquidity and safety for managers of funds; however the problem of providing
effective regulation increased. One emerging problem was the moral hazard
created by insolvency. Leading financial economists of one regulatory unit, the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta observed:
insolvent organizations have a great incentive to take large risks; such a bank
will capture much of the gains while the FDIC incurs most of the losses if a
venture fails. … The ease of buying and selling many assets, such as
securitized mortgages, combined with the low cost of entering into off-balance
sheet transactions, makes it possible for an institution’s exposure to change
dramatically in a very short time.[124]
It would have been useful if their colleagues at the
Federal Reserve and the regulatory agencies had followed up on that insight. On
the contrary somnolence characterized the regulators during the decade of the
90s. It is true that the SEC investigated fraudulent activities in the
municipal bond market but at the same time small investors were sold stock in
dot com companies through misleading reports. Also the SEC and its chief Arthur
Levitt was silent about the end of Glass-Steagall, a misguided act of
deregulation which led to a massive increase in leverage on the Street culminating
in the LTCM crisis.[125]
And what might be said about the SEC was true of all of the regulatory
authorities. In the 90s there was an acceleration of financial scandals due to
malfeasance, poor judgment, moral hazard, complacent regulators and rogue
traders as will be detailed below.
The rise of Structured Investment Vehicles (SIVs) was a
prime example of regulatory failure. These are large highly leveraged bond
funds sold by the big banks to finance holdings of mortgage debt. Citigroup and
other large banks stashed billions of dollars of debt in these funds. In 2007 under
the new mark to market ruling by the SEC, Citi had to disclose large losses in
its SIVs. The regulators finally swung into action doing something that should
have done long before these damaging losses. SIVs were part of the ‘shadow’
banking sector; a way of evading required capital by moving debt off the
balance sheet. Analysts and economists at some leading financial institutions,
as well as at the New York Fed had long warned about the risks of shadow
banking. However, the leadership at both national and international regulators
ignored these warnings. Under securitization and shadow banking risk became
less visible and the tried and true system that financial institutions had developed
for managing risk broke down under the weight of complex financial engineering.
Also the rating agencies rated these new funds and instruments without proper
modeling and assessment of their quality. Systemic risk was endemic in these
instruments which were highly correlated with each other.[126]
In a larger context the SIVs are one example of 'Regulatory
Arbitrage’. These resulted in large part from the capital requirements imposed
by the Basel I agreements and a lack of a well thought out regulatory
framework.[127] Regulatory
arbitrage may be defined as exploiting loopholes in regulations through a
variety of methods including business restructuring, relocation to more
favorable business environments and the invention of new financial products. Renowned
Wall Street economist Henry Kaufman points out that regulation encourages financial
innovation which can be quickly put into place and spread with extreme
rapidity. The growth of the Euromarkets, the expansion of financial centers and
such new financial instruments as options, index futures, options on futures,
and options on indexes were all a result of regulatory arbitrage on the part of
the banks and Wall Street.[128]
The success of regulatory arbitrage may be summed up as
in so many other cases that would arise in the twentieth century, the markets
proved themselves much more flexible and adaptable than regulators in reacting
to new developments. Restricting old practices or products would simply effect
new practices or products that Congress and the agencies would then have to
learn at the risk of falling even further behind.[129]
Indeed, the success of regulatory arbitrage has often
been cited to advance the argument for financial deregulation. However,
regulatory arbitrage on the part of the banks enabled them to evade regulations
by shifting risk and helped to fuel the subprime calamity. Thus the argument should
be for more intelligent regulations as well as more knowledgeable and dedicated
Regulators to the
Rescue: a Chronicle of Financial Crisis and Scandal
Financial scandal accompanied by regulatory failure which
ultimately resulted in the rescue of important financial players is not a new
phenomenon. However, in the two decades leading up to, and even prefiguring,
the great subprime meltdown, these appear with increasing frequency; a sample
of such failure follows. The resulting moral hazard played an important part in
the events leading up to the crisis.
Municipal treasurers and managers became involved with
Wall Street purveyors of complex financial products such as swaps. It never
occurred to these public officials that they were playing in the big leagues
with Wall Street employed academic specialists who had a level of
sophistication beyond that of ordinary money managers. Nor were the Wall Street
firms eager to divulge information regarding these products. The complex
mathematical models they used were beyond the purview of both local officials
and many regulators as well. In 1984 the San Jose municipal government presided
over a $60 million loss in a reverse repo strategy. In 1987 an investment pool
in West Virginia sued brokers for misleading advice causing a $300 million loss
in derivatives trading. At the same time Auburn Maine announced a loss in the
derivatives market amounting to 40% of the city’s funds. One official with an extremely
overblown opinion of his own financial acumen was Orange County treasurer
Robert Citron. With Merrill Lynch as broker he entered into a repurchase
agreement with securities dealers resulting in a loss of $1.7 billion in 1994.[130]
To defend itself before the SEC, Merrill claimed that it had simply served as a
middleman for Citron and had no responsibility to impede his scheme. To the
outrage of one SEC official Merrill was allowed to get off with no more than a
slap on the wrist.[131]
As we will see this was simply one example of the reciprocal relationship
between the Street and the regulatory agencies.
That same year another scandal rocked the Street when
Procter & Gamble and Gibson Greeting Cards sued Bankers Trust over losses
from inappropriate derivatives trading at the bank’s advice. The crux of the
matter concerned the amount of profit that was built into the complicated
structure of the bank’s bid-offer spread.
One Bankers Trust trader, as outlined in a report issued by the CFTC,
SEC, Fed and New York State Banking Department, was said to have used his
mathematical ability to derive a formula that obscured the amount of leverage
embedded in the derivatives.[132]
Meanwhile, across the pond the losses incurred by another
rogue trader, a 25 year old employed by Baring Brothers, wiped out the
venerable firm’s capital requiring that the Bank of England arrange its sale to
a Dutch insurance group. The total loss amounted to some $1.3 billion. The
problem was that Baring, as well as many of its counterparties did not
understand derivatives. “The most startling part was that when the meeting was
called at the Bank of England to sort out the mess, its senior bankers and
regulators had no idea that a problem even existed until they were informed of
Of course, the same lack of technical knowledge which characterized the Bank of
England was also true of U.S. regulators. Nevertheless, the fact that
cluelessness was not confined to American regulatory authorities is of some slight
The culminating financial debacle of the 1990s involved a
firm run by sophisticated financial theorists. Long-Term Capital Management was
founded in 1993 by John Meriwether, a former vice chairman at Salomon Brothers
along with the Salomon alumni Lawrence E. Hilibrand and Eric R. Rosenfeld. He also
recruited big time financial theorists and economics Nobel laureates Robert
Merton and Myron Scholes. Another principal from the financial ‘old boys’
network was Fed former vice-chairman David Mullins. LTCM ultimately accumulated
a portfolio worth $90 billion. The end began for LTCM in 1998 when the Asian
crisis led to a Russian bond default. LTCM had devised a strategy of shorting
Treasuries while going long on bonds from Russia and other developing
countries. Following the flight to quality in the wake of the Russian default
Treasuries rose and the yields diverged, thereby eroding LTCM’s capital. With
the exposure of the major banks and Goldman Sachs as LTCM counterparties, Greenspan
and the Fed swung into action. Firms were summoned to the offices of the New
York Fed, an appropriate meeting place given that the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York had notably failed to provide warnings regarding LTCM as well as past
financial crises. Under the persuasion of the Fed, a cash infusion for LTCM of
more than $3.5 billion, from a consortium of commercial banks and investment
firms, was put together.
Henry Kaufman remarked regarding LTCM: “Surprisingly the
firm’s analytical wizards apparently did not take into account some financial
market fundamentals … that sizeable positions in individual securities cannot
always be liquidated quickly, especially when the obligations are of weaker
credit quality. And they misconstrued the complexities of convergence trade.”
Furthermore, regarding the Russian default, this “was credit without a
guardian. There’s the illusion that it has a market, that you can sell it and
pass the risk to someone else.” And the same, of course might have been said of
the upcoming subprime crisis. As for Scholes and Merton one observer quipped
“they precipitated a world financial crisis. Previous distinguished economists
have only managed to destabilize individual economies.” [134]
The role of the Fed in this crisis was widely questioned but critics “failed to
recognize that LTCM had created a major problem for the banks that would
require a strong regulatory hand to correct. However, the overriding concern
that emerged was the absence of a viable derivatives regulator.”[135]
The SEC and other regulators had been silent during the process of repealing
Glass Steagall and were equally silent about the massive increase in leverage
on the Street that resulted in LTCM’s fall.[136]
LTCM was a spin-off of a famous investment bank that,
earlier in the decade, had engendered its own financial debacles. In 1991
Salomon was caught in a Treasury securities scandal. They attempted to evade the
35% limit on bidding on government securities dealers in the hope of cornering
the market on a particular issue. Trading records were tampered with so as to
make it look like Salomon’s customers had simply sold back securities they had
already received. In September 1991 FRBNY President Corrigan was furious and
asked Salomon CEO Gutfreund for a full report within 10 days. John Meriwether
resigned as a result of his role in the scandal and, as we have seen, took some
of Salomon’s brightest stars to his new Long Term Capital Management. Others on
the Street followed Meriwether’s example and entered the high-paying world of
the hedge funds.[137]
It is evident from the interval between the time of the first irregularity,
December 1990 and September 1991 that Corrigan and the FRBNY were inclined to
give Salomon every benefit of the doubt before being forced to act.
Furthermore, the failure of the FRBNY to adequately monitor Salomon set a
precedent as they also inadequately monitored Salomon’s offspring LTCM.
Shortly thereafter, in 1994 Salomon Brothers lost over $100
million on ‘Interest Only’ securities in the wake of the February Fed rate
shock. These securities were a result of the financial engineering process of
separating the interest and principal components of fixed income instruments. Salomon Brothers was not alone in losses due
to the “toxic sludge” that resulted; the Granite Fund lost some $500 million.
“The IO essentially contains a concentrated version of the so-called toxic
waste that runs through a mortgage security’s prepayment option.” Although these
highly leveraged products have significant profit potential, when all traders
try to dump these at once the opportunities to trade close down resulting in
severe losses.[138]
As a result of these scandals the venerable ninety year old firm was eventually
sold off to Citigroup which effectively put an end to its existence.
Citigroup was not, of course, immune from its own set of
horrendous financial misjudgments. Citigroup had given its investors the right
to sell their CDOs back to the bank at full price. Yet this ‘put’ was just a
footnote in the financial statements and wasn’t even clear to top management. As
long as the markets were running smoothly these puts were never exercised. But
by 2007 with the implosion in the CDO market there was a massive cashing in of
the puts and large losses to the bank.[139]
Thus was recorded one more failure in risk management and regulatory oversight.
Citi’s misjudgments at some times did not preclude its
engaging in cunning and shady maneuvers at others. Citigroup Global Markets
structured and marketed a mortgage-related CDO and then took a proprietary
short position against those same mortgages without disclosing to investors
both its role in the asset selection process and its short position. Following
the default of the CDO while investors were stuck with the loss Citigroup made
$160 million in fees and trading profits. Citigroup, of course, was not alone
in this clever strategy. Nineteen other Wall Street companies have been repeat
offenders in similar cases in recent years: American International Group,
Ameriprise, Bank of America, Bear Stearns, Columbia Management, Deutsche Asset
Management, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley,
Putnam Investments, Raymond James, RBC Dain Rauscher, UBS and Wells
Fargo/Wachovia and, of course, the most cunning and successful of all Goldman
There were instances where a serious lack of knowledge and
judgment on the part of regulatory authorities was the direct cause of
financial crises. Hank Greenberg the head of insurance giant AIG, with possibly
the best judgment of any Wall Street leader, had kept AIG from involving itself
in excessive risk as in the issuance of CDSs. However, Greenberg had become the
target of yet another ambitious New York politician, Attorney General Elliot
Spitzer. In early 2008 “it was pretty
clear that Spitzer’s decision to oust Greenberg back in 2005 might have been
among the most costly actions taken by any regulator in the past decade.” After
Greenberg was forced out risk taking soared at AIG.[141] Spitzer thus joined his successor as Attorney
General and Governor, Andrew Cuomo as an architect of financial disaster.
Eventually AIG had to be bailed out by the Fed and the Treasury; the details of
which were kept hidden by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the SEC.
Another severe regulator caused crisis occurred in
California where energy regulations were written in such a way as to prohibit
utilities from hedging against
future price hikes by purchasing forward contracts. Energy suppliers eventually
took advantage of this faulty policy by shutting down their plants for
“maintenance” thus keeping their capacity low relative to demand. The result
was to force utilities to purchase electricity in the spot market where they
paid exorbitant rates to the suppliers.[142]
Here is a case of clueless regulators stifling the appropriate use of financial
Regulatory Capture:
The Regulator Industry Complex
An important factor in the poor
record of regulation is that both regulators and the regulated share the same
outlook. And the same revolving door between Washington and the financial
industry works as well, or better, between the industry and the regulatory
agencies. The risk and leverage mania that infected Wall Street also infected
government, the SEC, the Fed and the rating agencies. Fannie and Freddie with
the help of Angelo Mozilo and pushed by HUD grew their balance sheets from $1.4
trillion in 1995 to $4.9 trillion in 2007.[143]
The machine was pumping out still more securitized and subprime loans in a
positive feedback loop. And yet the regulators were inclined to do or say
nothing; lack of disclosure made it impossible to know exactly how much
mortgage debt was held by the firms. They were in a conflict of interest with
both the companies and the politicians, doing what both want, not raising
alarms, and passing through the revolving door from the agencies to government
or business and back again. One motivating factor may have been the fat bonuses
doled out by the big banks and Wall Street. More than $60 billion were
distributed by Goldman, Morgan Stanley, Bear and Lehman alone in 2006.[144]
The prospect of passing through the revolving door to partake in such abundance
represented a great conflict of interest and temptation for regulators. “SEC
staffers can’t wait to leave government to work on Wall Street or Wall Street
law firms. This conflict of interest may make the SEC a good training ground
for a career at a brokerage firm, but it makes for a pretty lousy
The same can be said for regulators in all of the agencies. Of course,
regulatory capture and conflict of interest began long before the post 2000
housing frenzy.
The Federal Reserve and its branch banks, particularly
the FRBNY have been afflicted for many years with conflict of interest, a
collaborative mentality and willful cluelessness about the institutions they
are tasked with overseeing. One amusingly ironic instance of the clueless and
accommodating attitude exhibited by Federal Reserve officials occurred in a
1993 report out of the Atlanta Fed. Referring to Madoff Investment Securities
they approvingly note how the “firm has set itself up in direct competition
with NYSE specialists. Madoff makes a market in 350 of the S&P 500 stocks
by attracting mainly retail trades from brokers.” They applaud his low overhead
costs and low commissions and note how his firm now accounts for some two
percent of NYSE daily volume.[146]
Such admiring remarks about a future convicted swindler are a revealing
demonstration of the willful gullibility of the regulators. This was written
about the same time as the SEC had botched a number of investigations of Madoff
and after the Ponzi scheme had been hatched. It is also interesting to note
that Madoff was one more Wall Street ‘progressive’ who had made major
contributions to Democrat politicians including Senators Dodd and Schumer.
Officials at the various branches of the Fed often found
themselves at cross purposes as they attempted to balance their duties as
regulators with their past and potential future loyalties to the financial
companies. Freddie Mac CEO Richard Syron was president of the Boston Federal
Reserve Bank and endorsed its study of mortgage discrimination when it came out
in 1992. A few years later Freddie, as well as Fannie had embraced those
findings setting the stage for their plunge into the subprime market. Freddie
under Syron embarked on extensive subprime lending despite warnings from
Greenspan; one of those occasions when the Fed chairman had it right. A Fed
official who moved between the Federal Reserve Board, the Bush administration
and Wall Street was Lawrence Lindsey who became a consultant at the soon to be
defunct Lehman Brothers. Gerald Corrigan, president of the New York Fed from 1985 until 1993 began sounding
the alarm regarding the systemic risk inherent in the misuse of swaps and
derivatives. It was probably not a coincidence when he abruptly changed his tune
on leaving the FRBNY for Goldman Sachs stating that “When I say I don’t think
legislation is needed, I’m not saying that I’m satisfied with the status quo.
But the things that need to be done can be done under existing legislative
Liberal Democrat Corrigan was just the most high profile example of the long
time weakness of the FRBNY in its incestuous relationship with the Street and
in its faulty personnel policies.
High Fed officials were comfortable with the increased
complexity and resulting lack of transparency of the financial companies’
dealings. At first Ben Bernanke advocated more transparency but ultimately came
to share the same deregulatory philosophy as Chairman Greenspan. And both would
agree with New York Fed president Geithner that the Fed was correct in giving
the New York banks billions to make up for the losses they incurred in their
obscure and opaque maneuverings. And this
lack of transparency continued even after the great meltdown. “Congress was
supposed to approve all government expenditures, but subterfuges through the
Federal Reserve and FDIC became the rule of the day, providing funds in ways
free from the kind of scrutiny that Americans have come to expect as an
essential part of their democracy.”[148]
Geithner also promoted the sweetheart deal by which JP Morgan
Chase, whose CEO was on the New York Fed Board, acquired Bear Stearns. Citibank
is another Fed client owing its survival to taxpayer dollars. AIG and one of
its principal counterparties Goldman Sachs also got bailed out courtesy of Tim
Geithner. Geithner’ successor as the new president of the New York Fed, William
Dudley, is another Goldman Sachs man. Treasury Department officials joined
those at the Federal Reserve in regulatory collusion along with the banks, the
Wall Street firms and the GSEs. In the 90s the head of the CFTC called for
regulating derivatives; a proposal which took on new life after the FRBNY
organized the LTCM bailout of 1998. But Federal Reserve and Treasury officials
including Greenspan, Rubin and Summers successfully opposed the idea.
The Securities and Exchange Commission was also rife with
conflicts of interest and collusion with the supposed objects of its
regulation. The SEC, although supposedly an apolitical agency, has its leaders
appointed by the president and they tend to follow the policies favored by
major administration officials. And, as remarked on page 176, many of those
high officials have come from and will return to Citibank, Goldman Sachs and
other major firms. In addition the lure of a lucrative career on the Street
will tend to influence the actions of any SEC employee. Thus when Citigroup bet
against its own investors in one of its CDOs, the response of the SEC was
rather tepid. And the same goes for many other firms accused of malfeasance.
When Goldman Sachs wiped out its investors in a similar kind of deal and
admitted to a failure to keep these investors sufficiently informed the SEC
responded with a slap on the wrist. To be sure the resulting $550 million fine
was the largest penalty ever paid by a brokerage firm but it amounted to just
two weeks’ worth of profit for Goldman; hardly a deterrent to future
malfeasance. The excuse given by the SEC is that it was better to settle
instead of risk losing in court. But the more likely reason is that at least
219 high officials have left the SEC and returned as representatives of a
client with business before it. Roberta Karmel, a former SEC commissioner noted
the usefulness financial firms found for one time SEC staffers who understood
how to navigate through the complex web of agency regulations. Senator Charles
Grassley, a member of the committee investigating the affair noted that the
present system impedes the SEC’s ability to effectively regulate Wall Street
and observed that the “SEC’s revolving door seems more active than ever”.[149]
Regulator-industry collaboration was at full speed with the
repeal of Glass-Steagall; the culminating event of the 90s wave of
deregulation. This repeal Involved active cooperation between the Fed, the Treasury,
the GSEs, Goldman and Citigroup as well as the silent assent of the SEC. Even
before the repeal went into effect Greenspan gave a temporary waiver unilaterally
authorizing the new financial/banking combine which became Citigroup. It was
the peripatetic Robert Rubin with the support of his protégé Tim Geithner who
pushed through the repeal and also induced the New York Federal Reserve Bank to
reduce its oversight of Wall Street. There were many other players involved in
the repeal of Glass Steagall and the deregulation that contributed to the
subprime crisis including James Johnson of Fannie Mae, Henry Paulson and Stephen
Friedman of Goldman Sachs. Blurring the line between commercial and investment
banking along with the moral hazard of deposit insurance was an action certain
to encourage reckless risk taking.
The influence that the financial industry exerts on
government does not imply that government bears no responsibility for any
abuses. Wall Street and the banks “operate within the parameters, no matter how
reckless and tainted by corruption, government sets for it.”[150]
And the primary responsibility for inventing and enforcing those parameters
fell to the regulatory agencies. Gasparino aptly summarizes the agencies
failure in that regard when he states that “the derivatives market was the
modern-day version of boomtowns in the Wild West; with few sheriffs around to
keep order.”[151] Furthermore,
the new reforms will simply end by reinforcing the too big to fail philosophy,
weakening the smaller banks and giving government bureaucrats and their big
finance allies more power to allocate capital. William Greider, a long-time
critic of the Federal Reserve observes:
road leads to the corporate state--a fusion of private and public power, a
privileged club that dominates everything else from the top down. This will
likely foster even greater concentration of financial power, since any large
company left out of the protected class will want to join by growing larger and
acquiring the banking elements needed to qualify. Most enterprises in banking
and commerce will compete with the big boys at greater disadvantage, vulnerable
to predatory power plays the Fed has implicitly blessed.[152]
The Expertise Gap
When it came to the financial regulatory agencies too
little knowledge was a dangerous thing. There was a chronic failure to
cultivate in-house expertise. Complicating this problem is that regulators must
be as smart as those they regulate. To be able to use innovation as it should
be used to increase market efficiency, reduce economic costs and further
economic opportunities it is essential to have a sophisticated, honest and
effective regulatory apparatus.
Indeed, one response to a lack of sophistication on the
part of regulators is to simply ban certain financial innovations, even ones
that have great utility in risk management and market efficiency. In 1978
something like that occurred when the CFTC banned options trading since it “did
not have the staff necessary to monitor a new market successfully.” Finally in
1982 the CFTC, not wanting to stand in the way of progress, gave the go-ahead
for the CBOT to begin trading options on futures.[153]
This was a rather startling admission of its own inadequacy on the part of a
regulatory agency. The expertise gap was to worsen. By the mid-80s financial
engineering was on the rise in all markets especially in fixed income.
Specialized boutique firms headed by big-name researchers and academics sprang
up designing new instruments, strategies and packages. Mathematical models were
the norm at these houses and less quantitatively sophisticated participants,
including the regulators, were left behind. The rise of the SIVs resulting from
the Basel I capital requirements was accompanied by the regulatory knowledge
gap as the regulatory agencies were unable or unwilling to retain risk analysts
with expertise in this area. SIVs and the entire shadow banking sector
developed in plain sight of the national and international regulators; if only
they had cared to look.
As we have seen above the problem with Baring and its
rogue trader was that the counterparties, the senior bankers and the Bank of
England did not understand derivatives. Nor were the BOE’s U.S. counterpart
regulators of much help in sorting out the mess. Later in the decade repeal of
Glass-Steagall had made the need for effective regulation even more important.
“Yet instead of enhanced oversight, the new capital rules were met with less
regulation, not more. The Fed, which had been the eyes and ears of systemic
risk for years, had now abdicated their responsibility to the SEC, which,
despite its enhanced powers had no idea what it was doing, its ranks depleted
by years of defections of longtime officials to higher-paying jobs on Wall
Street.” But as one high official at the SEC admitted: “We didn’t have a
sophisticated enough staff. The sad part is, we should have been getting that
information on the risk they were taking, but we didn’t know what to ask for.”[154]
And what was true of the SEC was true of the Fed where its principal eye on the
Street and on the major banks, the FRBNY, was unable to build and hold a staff
capable of understanding these risks, but was instead loaded with air-headed
economists of the type at the Boston Fed that were so instrumental in
instigating the subprime lending torrent. Indeed when the head of the CFTC
called for regulating derivatives, a call that should have become more urgent
after the FRBNY sponsored LTCM bailout, Fed and Treasury officials effectively squashed
such proposals.
The knowledge gap was exacerbated by the increased
importance of computer models. The rise of personal computing in the 1980s
enabled quantitative financial analysts to develop financial models with speed
and flexibility as they were no longer reliant on the secretive guild of
mainframe computer programmers. Two developments beginning in the late 1980s
spurred the use of computer modeling. Hedge funds, investment partnerships with
few investors and high minimum investment requirements rose to take advantage
of the bull market following the 1987 crash while avoiding SEC scrutiny. These funds
often rely on the arbitrage of small price differentials and are heavily
reliant on computer modeling.[155]
Another post 1987 spur to computer modeling was the emergence of Value at Risk (VAR) a portfolio risk measurement
technique. However as well understood by the Wall Street quants, this tool which
was based on historical trends and well-behaved statistical distributions had limitations. As a
result many of these models overvalued the banks’ mortgage assets. (See the
following discussion of ‘fat tails’.)
Both the hedge funds and the VAR technique passed muster
with the SEC; the SEC amended its procedures so as to allow VAR to be used to
measure risk. At the same time another SEC initiative permitted all triple-A
securities to be treated the same. This provided Wall Street with an incentive
to carry CDOs and even CDO squareds on their books. The SEC was now in the
business of endorsing massive risk taking. Even so these changes might have
been beneficial if the SEC “had the bodies and brains to carry out its new
Clearly, as it turned out, that was not the case.
It was the case, however, that even many of the Wall
Street financiers themselves were lawyers and other types untrained in the
mathematics of modeling.[157]
The same was true of the regulators who became complacent with the increase in
leverage that was encouraged by the models. Wall Street, the banks and the
regulators were all oblivious to the systemic risk arising from the correlation
caused by the banks acting similarly. Stiglitz rightly observes that by using
equivalent models the banks took the same positions and ended up in the same difficulty
when the markets turned against them.[158]
However, what he ignores is that it was the government itself that pushed all
banks into being blind to borrowers default risk while the regulators, in
addition to protecting their revolving door to high paying jobs, also carried
out the wishes of the politicians. The regulators did their best to make both
the holders of power and the dispensers of goodies happy.
Other actors with significant financial market oversight
responsibilities were the rating agencies. These non-governmental organizations
were also lacking in expertise and riddled with conflict of interest. The
agencies were paid quite well on the volume of business they brought in and
processed; some of their analysts received Wall Street type salaries. The
Street would shop around for the most cooperative agencies to give them high
ratings so that the incentive for pleasing the financial firms was
considerable. During the housing boom the ratings agencies made record profits
based on sheer volume. Their managers, oriented toward the interests of their
large clients overruled their own analysts to make sure that high ratings were
awarded. From 2002 to 2007 Wall Street underwrote some $3.2 trillion of dubious
home loans which were bundled into CDO investment pools that received AAA
ratings. Just as S&P completely missed the 2008 housing meltdown and the
Bear Stearns bankruptcy, so previously they missed the Enron scandal.[159]
Moreover the activities of the ratings
agencies often have a ‘pro-cyclicality’ effect. It was observed, for example,
that before the Asian crisis they did not downgrade Asian securities and during
the crisis they did so thereby intensifying it. The activities of the agencies
like that of the use of computer modeling increased systemic risk. “The public
sector should be wary of doing anything that encourages blind reliance on
rating agencies, value-at-risk models, or indeed any specific formula that
could encourage ‘herding’ among financial institutions.”[160]
Thus it appears that everyone in the path up from the
original mortgage was feasting well from the transaction: “the home owner who purchased a house with no
money down and a subprime mortgage, to the bank that issued the mortgage,
pocketed the fees, and sold it to an investment bank, to the investment banker
who packaged that mortgage into debt, to the investor who feasted off of the
bond’s high interest rates, and now to the formerly geeky bond rater who became
a millionaire rating the debt.”[161]
And the ones who ultimately paid for these riches was not, as popular leftist
myth would have it, the poor subprime homeowner who lived quite above his means
for a long period of time and who had little or no stake in his property, but
the taxpayers of the middle class who ultimately footed the bill while often
losing their livelihoods. And still another class of beneficiaries were the
political class; politicians and high level bureaucrats most of them Democrats
along with some progressive Republicans who made out very well in wealth and in
Finally, wrong knowledge, even more than too little
knowledge, is a dangerous thing. This was certainly demonstrated in the 1992
study by the Boston Fed which, supposedly, showed that banks discriminated
against minority mortgage applicants. The study concluded that mortgage denial
was based largely on race and that credit score and loan to home value ratio
standards were discriminatory. It was assumed that even though minorities may
have bad credit scores they also had jobs and could, therefore, repay the
mortgages. The report was produced by a well-connected product of elite
schools, the type that is typically advanced at the regulatory agencies. They
were well versed in statistical methods but were lacking in any relevant
analytical knowledge of risk. Although these researchers made liberal politicians
happy, they never applied any systemic risk analyses to the consequences of the
policies they did so much to foist on the nation.
Fat Tails and
Black Swans
The failure of the models to accurately assess risk was
due to assumptions which did not reflect the real world movement of returns and
values. The first definitive indications that this was so came with the various
crises in the 80s and continued thereafter. “Randomness was a lesson that Wall
Street as a whole would fail to understand over the next two decades – only
this time the losses would no longer be measured in ‘just’ hundreds of millions
of dollars.”[162] According
to a recently favored metaphor a ‘black swan’ is an event that is of high-impact, is hard-to-predict, is
rare beyond any realm of normal expectations and comes as a complete surprise. It
has been observed that according to the standard models, the kind of
stock market crash that occurred in October 1987, could have only occurred in, a length of time longer than the
estimated 14 billion year life of the universe. The LTCM debacle has also been
described as resulting from a black swan, although in reality the failure of
their models were due to their being based on the efficient market paradigm,
and therefore no account was taken of history, flights to quality and sudden
market collapses. Such models relied too much on past data and did not consider
that the variance of the distributions might not be constant over time.
Quantitative analysts have, in the past, attributed such
events to the more mathematically tractable problem of ‘fat tails’. Much work
has been done on the assumption that changes in securities prices, foreign
exchange rates and investment returns are normally distributed. But in fact
these distributions have fatter tails and higher peaks than does the normal
distribution. This phenomenon, referred to as leptokurtosis, implies that the
probability of substantial losses due to extreme movements in the markets would
be quite large. These have a greater proportion of very large deviations from
the mean. These changes may be drawn from stable distributions with infinite
variance as in what is known as the Cauchy distribution. The fat tails problem
and Cauchy distribution are discussed in Appendix 5C.
Federal Reserve Bank
of New York: Case Study in Regulator Ineptitude
I was employed at the New York Fed as a systems analyst
and financial economist from 1980 to 1993, the critical period in the rise of
financial innovation and the resulting regulatory response. As such I witnessed
firsthand the failure of regulation and oversight; a failure which was also
characteristic of the other important regulatory bodies. The Bank is in a
unique position to peak “under the hoods of the big banks and investment
houses.” The FRBNY is “the largest of the nation’s twelve Federal Reserve
Banks, but more than that, it influences the country’s monetary policy through
something called open-market operations. In other words, the New York Fed
controls the nation’s money supply by adding credit to or subtracting it from
the system.”[163]
Unfortunately due to its own defective policies the New York Fed lacked the
tools to really see what was going on under those hoods.
It is true that there were members of the Bank staff who
were long troubled by some of the potentially risky developments in the
financial markets. In the early 1980s a senior economist in the Foreign
Department raised concerns about the explosion in the off-balance sheet
activities of the banks. Although his focus was on international banking, the
expressed concerns were also relevant to the domestic banking sector. Together
we developed reporting systems for foreign branch activity and on the
off-balance sheet contingent liabilities of the large banks. Although there was
a brief flurry of activity by Bank management in establishing a capital markets
surveillance unit to follow up on this work, the endeavor ultimately went
nowhere. Apparently, senior officials at the Bank, the Federal Reserve Board
and the Treasury did not want too much light shed on these lucrative activities
as shown by the squelching of proposals for regulating derivatives following
the LTCM bailout. Members of the new
capital markets staff, sometimes in conjunction with the Bank of England and
the Basel Committee, developed credit exposure risk and capital adequacy
guidelines for, swaps, options, and other derivatives. (See page 187 above and
Appendix 5B.) Unfortunately, the FRBNY elected not to pursue such research;
quantitative analysts on the staff were soon dispersed. Its abandonment of the
use of quantitative methods to price derivative and off-balance sheet risk was
followed within a few years by a number of financial crises.
Thus senior management at the New York Fed were totally
unprepared for the LTCM crisis and then by the slowly building and ultimately
exploding subprime meltdown. Moreover, although some useful Basel Committee
guidelines resulted from these studies with credit exposure translated into
amounts comparable to on-balance sheet loans, there was a major loophole left
in place; these standards did not apply to U.S. investment banks or insurance
companies. The prospect of moving on to higher paying positions on the part of
FRBNY senior management may well account for the puzzling lack of support for
staff members who understood quantitative risk and derivatives. It is true that
president Gerald Corrigan began warning about the dangers of the esoteric
derivatives market in 1992. He was concerned about the off-balance sheet nature
of many of these derivatives. However, while Corrigan may have talked a good
game at that point, he did precious little to see that the FRBNY had the tools
and policies for effective surveillance and supervision and was soon off to
greener pastures at Goldman Sachs. As we have seen (p. 193), the year prior to
Corrigan’s warning the Salomon bond trading scandal occurred. It was the
failure of the FRBNY to adequately monitor Salomon that ultimately led to the
LTCM bailout.
In the years following the LTCM bailout analysts and
economists at leading financial institutions continued to warn about the risks
of derivatives and the shadow banking sector. In March of 2006 the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York announced a new initiative by major market
participants, other U.S. regulators and international industry supervisors to
improve the functioning of the derivatives markets. This followed years of
inadequately dealing with non-transparent accounting and complex derivatives.
And as the Lehman Brothers collapse just a few years later shows the new
initiative was less than successful. As one financial columnist concludes from
the Lehman debacle:
two years ago to the day, a team of officials from the Securities and Exchange
Commission and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York quietly moved into the
headquarters of Lehman Brothers. The new mystery is why it took this long for
anyone to raise a red flag. … Indeed, it
now appears that the federal government itself either didn’t appreciate the
significance of what it saw (we’ve seen that movie before with regulators
waving off tips about Bernard L. Madoff). Or perhaps they did appreciate the
significance and blessed the now-suspect accounting anyway. … The problems at
Lehman raise even larger questions about the vigilance of the S.E.C. and Fed in
overseeing the other Wall Street banks as well.[164]
The New York Fed is in theory a private corporation but
one that is less constrained by the bottom line. Thus, their woeful lack of
savvy regarding risk analysis was accompanied by a wasteful squandering of
resources. This was particularly the case in the area of computer systems. In
the early 1980s the Systems Development Department pushed the idea of a
Generalized Statistical System (GSS) that was to run all of the massive data
reporting systems throughout all branches of the Federal Reserve. GSS was to be
implemented on a Burroughs mainframe that was already obsolete. After the
expenditure of much effort GSS ended by processing just a handful of minor data
reporting systems before the effort was abandoned. The Bank staff was dependent
on another inefficient system developed in-house. This was Risk Analysis Language (RAL) which
imitated APL, a powerful matrix oriented interpretive programming language once
much beloved of econometricians and actuaries. Versions of APL were at one time
used at various banks and Wall Street firms such as Morgan Stanley and Union
Bank of Switzerland. Morgan Stanley
investment banker, Richard Bookstaber notes that these APL interpreter type
languages cannot deal efficiently with looping, a technique essential for
accurately pricing derivatives and swaps. In 1994 UBS ultimately failed by
losing money on swaps and on hedges designed to protect against swap losses;
these losses were exacerbated by APL’s programming shortcomings.[165]
The FRBNY’s even more inefficient APL imitator, RAL, was run on the obsolete
Burroughs mainframe, and consisted of a hodgepodge of APL type commands
combined in an inefficient manner with database and statistical routines. RAL,
fortunately, fell by the wayside with the rise of powerful desktop PCs in the
late 80s. In 1988 bank management plunged into another systems fiasco
contracting with a Boston based computer communications firm to build a state
of the art Market Information and Trading Support computer system. The design which
made use of IBM 3270 emulation and DG equipment was flawed and obsolete from
the beginning given the advances being made in desktop computers. Shortly
thereafter the vendor filed for bankruptcy causing all of the preliminary work
and expense to be wasted; one more indication of the FRBNY management’s failure to properly vet technical vendors and
the projects proposed by its own Systems Development Department. These
boondoggles were foisted on the rest of the bank by a self-regarding cadre of
officers and economists who lacked, without realizing that they lacked, the
expertise to evaluate these projects.
The pattern of collaboration, conflict of interest and
cognitive capture where the regulators think in exactly the same way as the
regulated is also endemic at the New York Fed. Stiglitz discussing the problems
at the Federal Reserve System takes particular note of the New York Bank. “As
bad as these governance problems are, those in the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York, which assumed a particularly large role in the bailout, are even worse.
The officers of the Fed are elected by its board, which in turn consists of
banks and businesses in the area. Six of the nine directors are elected by the
banks themselves.”[166] In
1994 then FRBNY president William McDonough made a stab at reform when he cracked
down on perks and gifts that Bank officers were in the habit of accepting. He
had an internal study conducted that uncovered some 51 cases in the previous
year in which outsiders paid for the bank’s executives meals at expensive
restaurants and their acceptance of free tickets to sporting events. The
investigator insisted on maintaining his anonymity.[167]
His insistence on keeping his identity hidden comes as no surprise to anyone
who has worked at the Bank.
The cluelessness of the New York Fed with respect to
derivatives and the shadow banking sector is a direct result of their failure
to cultivate and retain a staff of knowledgeable analysts. For years Wall
Street had specialized in developing obscure accounting techniques and complex off-balance
sheet products designed to confuse both regulators and investors. Quantitative
methods of risk management were the only cost effective way of assessing
possible losses from these complex instruments, particularly in periods of
financial turbulence. It is true that there were a few economists at the Bank
who, beginning in the early 1980s recognized the growing importance of
financial derivatives and off balance sheet contingencies. They began to build a
strong program of research on financial markets and instruments as a supplement
to the Bank’s traditional banking studies emphasis. However there were several reasons
that the Bank management did not follow up on, or make effective use of these
research initiatives. For one thing their personnel policies encouraged large staff
turnover and loss of expertise. The New York Reserve Bank was a combination
training ground for graduates of elite schools, on the way to bigger things on
the Street, and an affirmative action factory. A typical pattern was for a
bright eager young graduate to be recruited, trained and rapidly advanced only
to leave for a more lucrative position on the Street within a few years. Some more
experienced quantitative analysts left the FRBNY with its myriad of regulatory
responsibilities for equivalent but less demanding jobs elsewhere in the Fed
system or at other agencies; some were encouraged to leave the system
altogether. Another reason there was so little support for the quantitative
analysts on the FRBNY staff who understood derivatives was the opposition of
top management due to their incestuous relationship with those they were
supposed to regulate.
To be sure, the New York Fed was not devoid of dedicated
and knowledgeable staff members. One was the senior economist mentioned above
who established a special unit which, following an initiative of the Bank of
England, tracked the accumulation of U.S. assets by OPEC and other foreign
nations and then began to track the steeply increasing international borrowing
and lending of the major banks. He expanded this work to examine the steep
growth in bank off-balance sheet items and contingencies. In 1985 the International
Capital Markets Division was founded as an extension of his work. A few years
after the formation of the new division its principal founder was forced out to
find greener pastures at the IMF.
One knowledgeable staff member who had a much abbreviated
term of service was the New York Federal Reserve Bank's deputy general counsel
who was forced to resign in July 1995 after a month’s service. He wrote an Op-Ed article opposing the repeal
of Glass-Steagall contending, rightly as it turned out, that such legislation
would be catastrophic; no regulator was capable of effectively monitoring
international full-service financial institutions.[168]
The very same senior management that effectively dismantled the quantitative
analysis capability at the Bank was also not inclined to tolerate any
opposition to deregulation. A final example of the New York Fed’s ill-considered
personnel outlook occurred at the most senior level. In January 2009 William
Dudley was named Geithner’s successor as president of the Bank. Mr. Dudley was a former chief economist at none
other than Goldman Sachs,
and has forged strong relationships within both the financial community and
Washington. He joined the FRBNY only two years before after nearly 20 years at
Goldman. One of his chief rivals for the job was Terrence Checki.[169]
Mr. Checki’s varied career at the Bank has included a number of key posts in
the Bank’s corporate, bank supervision, foreign and international affairs
areas, as well as in the office of the president. Terry Checki was a career
employee at the FRBNY for over 30 years; it figures that this highly qualified
individual would be passed over in favor of a member of the Wall Street old
boys club. My own experience is that he was a dedicated executive and was
universally respected by the staff members who worked with him.
In contrast to the above capable staff members there were
many who followed a less dedicated path. There were, of course, many instances
of staff members who, understandably, capitalized on the training and
connections they had developed at the Bank to obtain high paying positions in
the banking sector or on Wall Street. However, these included not just junior staff
members but very high ranking officials; the same revolving door to riches and
power through which many in government and on the Street passed was open to
them as well. One such was a senior officer and economist, an expert in
financial markets and financial engineering who after a long career left the
bank in 1993 to work in the financial industry. In 1996 he joined AIG’s market
risk division. This was just about the time that AIG was set to embark on such
risky ventures as credit default swaps, despite the misgivings of its chairman
Hank Greenberg. The insurance giant was apparently putting together a team of
experts in financial modeling and engineering to assist in its plunge into the
profitable but risky new world resulting from the innovations of Wall Street.
At this time AIG was developing its financial products group which was to be
instrumental in the firm’s bankruptcy and that was to prove very costly to the
U.S. taxpayer. As it turned out the economists and financial experts that AIG
was assembling did not deter AIG from embarking on its ill-starred endeavor in
insuring increasingly complex mortgage securities through credit default swaps.
The revolving door swung open in both directions. Senior
executives from the big banks and the Street joined the New York Fed bringing
with them their pro-industry biases. Later on many of these would follow the
example of Rubin and Summers and pass back into the industry as consultants or to
assume high executive positions. The following are two examples, among many
others, obtained from the Bank’s press releases. In 1999 Jamie Stewart was
appointed first vice president after resigning as vice chairman of the Mellon
Bank Corporation. Prior to joining Mellon, he was a senior vice president of
the Bank of America and before that was executive vice president of Crocker
National Bank. In 2004 the revolving door swung open again with Mr. Stewart
becoming President and CEO of the Federal Farm
Credit Banks Funding
Corporation. In 2005 Edward Murphy left a senior position with JP Morgan
Chase to become the New York Fed Executive Vice President.
There were also cases of those who, after brief stints of
being trained at the Bank, left only to become involved in legal entanglements.
One instance concerns a senior economist and quantitative financial modeling
expert who, after just a few years at the Fed left for greener pastures
ultimately ending up at a hedge fund. He ultimately became embroiled in an
intellectual property dispute with the firm regarding a trading model he
developed; the dispute required a court decision to resolve.[170]
In another instance, a former bank examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York was arrested and accused of stealing documents from the Fed about member
banks and giving them to his next employer, Fuji Bank Ltd.[171]
A recent case was that of a contract programmer who was accused of stealing
software code valued at nearly $10 million from the Bank according to a
criminal complaint filed in United States District Court.[172]
As we have seen the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston had a
core group of progressive idealists who were less inclined toward seeking
pecuniary advantage but, nevertheless, did a fair amount of damage to the
financial system. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York also had its share of these.
One, who elicited some controversy on being nominated for a high position in
the Obama Labor Department, is Erica Groshen, a vice president in the FRBNY Regional
Analysis Function. Before joining the
Bank in 1994, Ms. Groshen was an assistant professor of economics at Barnard
College and was an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. She has,
like many members of the elite, expressed open hostility toward small business co-authoring
a 1998 report titled, “Small Consolation: The Dubious Benefits of Small
Business for Job Growth and Wages,” under the aegis of the leftwing Economic
Policy Institute.[173]
One might think that having an individual with such animus toward small
business in a senior position at an institution such as the New York Fed is
inappropriate, to say the least.
Two FRBNY presidents illustrate the regulator cognitive
capture and conflict of interest endemic among the financial regulatory
agencies. One, who has been discussed at length, is Treasury Secretary, Timothy
Geithner. Geithner was a virtual globalist diaper baby spending most of his
childhood abroad, learning Mandarin and Japanese. He worked for Kissinger
Associates in Washington before joining the Treasury Department International
Affairs Division in 1988. With mentors Rubin and Summers he became Under
Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs in 1998. In 2003 at the
young age of 42 he was named president of the New York Fed. As such he did not
see the subprime crisis just as his predecessors and Fed colleagues did not see
the coming of the Mexican bond crisis or the LTCM bankruptcy. In the same way
as Geithner embodied the globalist mentality par excellence, he also manifested
the Wall Street world view. Financial columnists Becker and Morgenson describe
Geithner’s relationship to Wall Street as follows.
actions, as a regulator and later a bailout king, often aligned with the
industry’s interests and desires, according to interviews with financiers,
regulators and analysts and a review of Federal Reserve records. The
New York Fed is, by custom and design, clubby and opaque. It is charged with
curbing banks’ risky impulses, yet its president is selected by and reports to
a board dominated by the chief executives of some of those same banks.
Traditionally, the New York Fed president’s intelligence-gathering role has
involved routine consultation with financiers, though Mr. Geithner’s recent
predecessors generally did not meet with them unless senior aides were also
present, according to the bank’s former general counsel.
those standards, Mr. Geithner’s reliance on bankers, hedge fund managers and
others to assess the market’s health — and provide guidance once it faltered —
stood out.
ate lunch with senior executives from Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley at the Four Seasons restaurant or in their corporate
dining rooms. He attended casual dinners at the homes of executives like Jamie Dimon, a member of the New York Fed board and the chief of JPMorgan Chase.
Geithner was particularly close to executives of Citigroup, the largest bank
under his supervision. Robert E. Rubin, a senior Citi executive and a former Treasury
secretary, was Mr. Geithner’s mentor from his years in the Clinton
administration, and the two kept in close touch in New York.
Geithner met frequently with Sanford I. Weill, one of Citi’s largest individual shareholders and
its former chairman, serving on the board of a charity Mr. Weill led. As the
bank was entering a financial tailspin, Mr. Weill approached Mr. Geithner about taking over as Citi’s chief
Gerald Corrigan spent his career in various branches of
the Federal Reserve System. He began at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, served as a Special Assistant to Chairman
Volcker and became president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from
1980 to 1984. In 1985 he returned to the FRBNY as president serving until 1993.
Corrigan was a firm supporter of the Basel Committee capital adequacy
initiatives and often expressed concerns regarding off balance sheet and
derivative risk. This career Federal Reserve regulator became abruptly mute on
this issue when he accepted a high-profile position at Goldman Sachs in 1993.[175] At the New York Fed, Corrigan
dealt frequently with foreign central bankers and ministers, developing
relationships that were undoubtedly useful to Goldman Sachs. In his new
position Corrigan maintained a close relationship with Geithner frequently lunching
together at Goldman headquarters.
No other financial regulatory body has such a large
concentration of conflict of interest and divided loyalty as the Board of
Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Some directors are elected
by the member banks; others are appointed by the Board of Governors. Members of
the FRBNY Board are, or were invariably connected with the very companies they
are supposed to regulate or oversee. Board members generally continue in their
positions with major financial corporations or other large companies based in
the New York district. Members frequently come from the largest and most
powerful banks; these often rotate as members of the Board. In 2001 Sandy
Weill, chairman and chief executive officer of Citigroup was elected to the
board of directors. He succeeded Walter Shipley, retired chairman of Chase.
Five years later Chase was once again represented with the election of president
and chief executive officer Jamie Dimon. Directors may have held positions at a
number of major financial companies. Jill Considine, re-elected to the Board in
2005, was chairman and chief executive officer of The Depository Trust Company;
her prior experience included senior positions at American Express Bank,
Bankers Trust Company and Chase Manhattan Bank. Also in 2005 Richard Fuld,
chairman and chief executive officer of the soon to be defunct Lehman Brothers
was named to the Board. The conflicts of interest inherent in these
appointments are sometimes quite evident. In 2000 T. Joseph Semrod, chairman,
chief executive officer and president of Summit Bancorp, had been elected to
the Board. This occurred shortly after the FRBNY approved Summit’s acquisition
of NMBT Corp and its bank subsidiary.
Some members of the Board may be brought out from
retirement. One such was Gerald Levin, former chief executive of AOL Time
Warner who became member of the Board in 2002. His appointment also shows that
non-financial company executives are sometimes appointed. Another such was Jeffrey Immelt, chairman of the board and chief executive
officer of General Electric Company, who was named to the Board in 2005.
Chairmen and CEOs of banks, investment houses or insurance
firms are commonly appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System as New York Fed chairman or vice chairman. In 1996 John Whitehead chairman
of AEA Investors Inc., was named chairman and Thomas Jones, vice chairman,
president and chief operating officer of the Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association-College Retirement Equities Fund was named deputy chairman.
Conflict of interest may affect the holders of these positions just as they do
ordinary directors. In 2009 New York Fed Chairman Stephen Friedman was forced
to resign after questions were raised about his ties to his former employer,
the omnipresent Goldman Sachs whose request to become a bank holding company
had just been approved.
Members of the Board are also selected from nonprofit
institutions, presumably to represent the general public interest; often the
heads of major academic institutions are chosen. In fact, these leaders of
cutting edge liberal institutions whose staffs are busy reforming, undermining
and reshaping the ‘evil’ American society to fit their utopian vision, are one
part of a financial-academic-government complex. Thus, in 2007 the president of
Columbia University, and promoter of political correctness, Lee Bollinger was
appointed for a three-year term. Four years previously New York University
president John Sexton was named deputy chairman of the New York Fed. Dr. Sexton
is a particularly interesting case study of how a member of the liberal elite
sells out his principles to big finance. His most recent project is the
bulldozing of large parts of New York’s historic Greenwich Village in order to
add the equivalent of an Empire State building to the NYU campus. NYU’s plan
would overwhelm and oversaturate a residential neighborhood, turn it into a
twenty-year construction zone and eliminate public park space. In addition it appears
intended to open up the Village for the future designs of the real estate
developers. The latter are of course closely tied to the very Wall Street bankers
that Sexton hobnobbed with during his tenure on the Board.
Universities such as Columbia and NYU have been among the
principal supporters of immigration policies to replace American workers with
lower paid immigrants. These “special
handling” policies were “applied to extremely small numbers of unskilled
workers until the Association of American Universities (AAU) applied special
handling to the importation of unlimited numbers of college professors and
researchers.”[176] The
universities have also successfully lobbied for the facilitation of visas in
order to swell the ranks of their students; tuition for these foreign students
is heavily subsidized by taxpayers. Many universities open up subsidiary
campuses abroad. NYU, for example, often boasts of its facility in Abu Dhabi. Exorbitant tuition costs
and the lack of employment for recent graduates have resulted in a massive
student debt problem. NYU under Sexton currently averages over $40,000 in
annual tuition charges. These already exorbitant tuition charges will certainly
increase in order to finance NYU’s latest overbuilding.
So it is that the social concerns expressed by academic
leaders like Sexton and Bollinger are often belied by their actions. Indeed
they stand at the pinnacles of institutions that no longer teach critical
thinking or useful skills. And they and their counterparts have inflicted yet one
more financial crisis, that of student debt, on the U.S. Moreover, their actions and inaction as
members of the FRBNY Board have also been lacking in social responsibility. The
board of directors of the Bank and its chairman in particular, presumably has a
responsibility to ask questions, find out what is going on, and alert Congress
and the public. And that goes double for directors like Sexton who supposedly
don’t come from the banking community. Either he had some knowledge of the
impending problem that was brewing underneath the surface during his tenure,
and in deference to his friends decided to ignore it. Or he failed in his duty
of asking salient questions and probing, as a chairman and director should do.
Fixing a Broken
There is no doubt that the financial regulatory system is
broken; the following briefly outlines some improvements that might be considered.
One proposed solution is to centralize most
regulatory functions in a new enforcement agency.[177]
However, such a ‘super-regulator’ is unlikely to solve the main problem which
is that of regulatory capture. The flood of financial innovation has exacerbated
this problem given the difficulty of keeping up with the latest financial
industry contrivances. As we have seen in the last chapter innovation has had
many positive effects; more efficient markets, more liquidity, lower costs and more
widely available information, but these come at a price. Increased complexity
and tightly coupled markets along with the correlation arising from banks
taking similar positions from the use of similar computer models will
inevitably engender financial crises. Volcker was well aware of this: “Almost
inevitably, the complexity of much proprietary capital market activity, and the
perceived need for confidentiality of such activities limits transparency for
investors and creditors alike.”[178]
Indeed, transparency must be an important part of any
real reform. “Because derivatives can be a useful tool for risk management,
they shouldn’t be banned, but they should be regulated to make sure that they
are used appropriately. There should be full transparency.”[179]
Transparent regulations will help prevent the financial companies from unduly
influencing the regulators. Regulators must also require more public
transparency and full disclosure of financial activities on the part of the
major firms. Regulatory agency decisions and deliberations should themselves be
subject to oversight and scrutiny. The quasi-private regional Reserve Banks,
and in particular, that of the uniquely important New York Federal Reserve
Bank, already have a mechanism in place, in the form of their Boards of Directors,
to provide for greater transparency if used properly. There is a need for
oversight on the part of these Boards and by real public interest directors in
lieu of a few collaborators from academia. Transparency, along with some
restrictions on the ‘revolving door’, will also help to minimize the potential
for conflict of interest.
Furthermore, the agencies should also take care to
cultivate a professional staff of regulators with the necessary expertise to
keep up with the maneuvers and innovations of Wall Street and the big banks. Slowing
down the process of innovation might also be useful. This would give time for
the firms and regulators to gain experience with the existing standard
instruments before allowing new ones. Such a policy may make the markets less
finely tuned but they would be more robust and durable when
faced with unexpected events.[180]
Capital adequacy on the part of banks and other financial intermediaries is, of
course, an important consideration in the regulation of financial innovation.
Stiglitz rightly observes that over the counter tailor-made derivatives need to
be backed with sufficiently high amounts of capital. “Given a choice between
writing transparent exchange-traded derivatives and less transparent over-the
counter derivatives, banks will choose the latter”; in the absence of higher
capital requirements.[181]
In addition a new version of Glass-Steagall updated in light of the recent
changes in the structure of the industry is needed to separate deposit banking
from high risk activities, avoid moral hazard and prevent the “too big to fail”
The recent Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act, which supposedly gave the needed solutions for these regulatory
problems, will be briefly discussed in the next chapter. The next chapter will describe
the great financial meltdown which was the inevitable result of the ideologies
of diversity and globalism.
[1] Arnold
Ahlert, “Fannie Mae’s Duo of Destruction”,
Charles Gasparino, Bought and Paid For, New York, Sentinel, 2010, p. 471.
Charles Gasparino, The Sellout, New York, Harper, 2009, p. 104.
[4] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, pp. 17-18.
Gasparino’s Bought and Paid For and The Sellout are the major sources for this
[6] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, pp. xi, 1.
Michael Lewis, The Big Short, New York, Norton, 2011, p. 109.
[9] Gasparino,
Sellout, p. 322.
[10] Jim
Kouri, “Air Force General blows whistle on Obama, but media deaf”, Law
Enforcement Examiner, September 17, 2011.
[11] Michelle
Malkin, “Obama's Green Robber Barons”,
[13] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, p. 211.
[14] Brenda
Walker, “Sierra Club Puppeteer—Long-Suspected Scandal Revealed”,, February 2, 2005.
[15] Ed
Lasky, “How allies of George Soros helped bring down Wachovia Bank” , American
Thinker, September 29, 2008.
Paul Sperry, The Great American Bank Robbery, Nashville, Thomas Nelson, 2011,
p. 266.
[19] Matthew
Vadum & James Dellinger, “What’s Next for George Soros’s Democracy
Alliance?”, January 10, 2008 ,
[20] Matt
Taibbi, “The Great American Bubble Machine”, April 5, 2010,
[21] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, p. 249.
Ibid, p. 146.
Ibid, p. 182.
Ibid, pp. 232-33.
Ibid, p. 20.
Ibid, pp. 77-88.
Ibid, pp. 101-103.
[29] Ahlert,
“Fannie Mae’s Duo of Destruction”.
[30] Choate,
Hot Property, pp. 41-2.
[31] T.W.
Farnam, “MF Global ties awkward for Obama campaign”,
[32] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, p. 114.
Ibid, p. 56.
Ibid, p. 126.
Ibid, p. 204.
[36] Ahlert,
“Fannie Mae’s Duo of Destruction”.
[37] Sperry,
The Great American Bank Robbery, p. 245.
[38] Robert
Reich, “Washington and Wall Street: The Revolving Door”, May 27, 2011.
[39] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, p. 165.
[40] Gasparino,
The Sellout, p. 424.
Matt Taibbi, “The People vs. Goldman Sachs”,,
May 26, 2011.
[42] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, pp. 129-30.
[43] Gasparino,
The Sellout, p. 338.
Ibid, p. 386.
[45] Gasparino,
Bought and Paid For, p. 50.
Ibid, pp. 232-33.
Ibid, p. 146.
Ibid, p. 241.
Ibid, pp. 151-52.
Ibid, pp. 45-46.
Ibid, pp. 57-59.
Ibid, pp. 172-73.
Ibid, pp. 30-31.
Ibid, p. 184.
Ibid, p. 55.
[56] Charles
[57] Gasparino,
The Sellout, p. 365.
[58] Bookstaber,
A Demon of Our Own Design, pp. 131-32.
Joseph Stiglitz, Freefall, New York, Norton, 2010, p. 215.
[61] Gasparino, Bought and Paid For, p. 53.
[62] “White House Renews Posturing for Illegal Alien Amnesty”, FAIR Immigration Report, May 2011.
[63] Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, New York, Vintage, 1971, p. 195.
[64] Ibid, p. 196.
[65] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 162.
[66] Ibid, p. 233.
[67] Ahlert, “Fannie Mae’s Duo of Destruction”.
[68] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 108.
[69] Steve Sailer, “Karl Rove—Architect Of The Minority Mortgage Meltdown”, September 28, 2008.
[70] Gasparino, Bought and Paid For, p. 27.
[71] Ibid, p. 151.
[72] Gasparino, The Sellout, pp. 170-73.
[73] Ibid, pp. 173-75.
[74] Ibid, p. 299.
[75] Ibid, p. 221-35.
[7]6 Ibid, p. 170.
[77] Ibid, p. 312.
[78] Ibid, p. 296.
[79] Ibid, p. 315.
[80] Ibid, p. 211.
[81] Ibid, pp. 396-402.
[82] Diane Harrigan, “Paying Back”, Baruch Alumni Magazine, Spring/Summer 2012
[83] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 238.
[84] Ibid, p. 233.
[85] Tait Trussell, “The President’s Wall Street”, October 18, 2011,
[86] Dan Eggen and T.W. Farnam, “Obama still flush with cash from financial sector despite frosty relations”,
[87] Ibid
[88] Farnam, “MF Global ties awkward for Obama campaign”.
[89] Arnold Ahlert, “Back in the Sub-Prime Mortgage Habit”, July 13, 2011
[90] Gasparino, Bought and Paid For, pp. 197-209.
[91] Ibid, p. 235.[94] Ibid, pp. 104-110.
[95] Michelle Malkin, “Obama's Green Robber Barons”, Jan 26, 2012,
[96] Sperry, The Great American Bank Robbery, p. 199.
[97] Wayne Barrett, “How the youngest Housing and Urban Development secretary in history gave birth to the mortgage crisis”, August 05, 2008,
[98] Sperry, The Great American Bank Robbery, p. 28.
[99] Ibid, pp. 87-146.
[100] Ibid, pp. 127-29.
[101] Ibid, pp. 121-24.[102] Ibid, p. 146.
[103] Ibid, pp. 136-46.
[104] Stanley Kurtz, “Spreading The Virus”, October 13, 2008,;jsessionid=190564CA0A0D701CE11780A4A5EE5EA1.
[105] Sperry, The Great American Bank Robbery, p. 150.
[106] Introduction, p. xii, in FRB of Atlanta, Financial Derivatives,
[107] Ibid
[108] Satyajit Das, Swap & Derivative Financing, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1994, p. 1171.
[109] Johan Van Overtveldt, Bernanke’s Test, p. 163.
[110] Jane D’Arista, “Financial Regulation in a Liberalized Global Environment” in John Eatwell and Lance Taylor, International Capital Markets, New York, Oxford, 2002, pp. 81-82.
[111] Geisst, Wheels of Fortune, p. 303.
[112] Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, June 1999, p. 19.
[113] Das, Swap and Derivative Financing pp. 1181-2.
[114] Ibid, p. 1230.
[115] John Eatwell and Lance Taylor, “A World Financial Authority” in Eatwell and Taylor, International Capital Markets, p. 20.
[116] Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, pp. 2-6.
[116] Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, pp. 2-6.
[117] Van Overtveldt, Bernanke’s Test, p. 158.
[118] Ibid, pp. 91-92.
[119] Ibid, p. 93.
[122] Ibid, p. 244.
[123] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 121.
[124] Wall, Pringle and McNulty, “Capital Requirements for Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Hedges” in FRB of Atlanta, Financial Derivatives, p. 235.
[125] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 196.
[126] Van Overtveldt, Bernanke’s Test, p. 230.
[127] Ibid, p. 221.
[130] Ibid, pp. 316-23.
[131] Gasparino, Bought and Paid For, pp. 68-69.
[132] Geisst, Wheels of Fortune, pp. 314-315.
[133] Ibid, pp. 332-333.
[134] Ibid, pp. 346-47.
[135] Ibid, p. 348.
[136] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 196.
[137] Bookstaber, A Demon of Our Own Design, pp. 195-200.
[138] Ibid, p. 55.
[141] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 346.
[142] Rubenstein, “The Twin Crises - Immigration and Infrastructure”, p. 26.
[143] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 232.
[144] Ibid, p. 249.
[145 Ibid, p. 496.
[146] Peter Abken, “Globalization of Stock, Futures, and Options Markets” in FRB of Atlanta, Financial Derivatives, p. 12.
[147] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 116.
[148] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 52.
[149] Ahlert, “Obama’s Financial Guru Faces Congress”.
[150] Ibid
[151] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 96.
[152] William Greider, “Dismantling the Temple”, The Nation, August 3, 2009, p. 13.
[153] Geisst, Wheels of Fortune, p. 252.
[156] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 198.
[157] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 84.
[158] Ibid, p. 149.
[159] Arnold Ahlert, “S&P Under Fire”, August 19, 2011,
[162] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 68.
[163] Ibid, p. 95.
[164] Andrew Sorkin, “At Lehman, Watchdogs Saw It All”, March 15, 2010.
[165] Bookstaber, A Demon of Our Own Design, pp. 45-49.
[166] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 143.
[167] Keith Bradsher, “Fed Tightens Its Policies On Ethics” June 9, 1994.
[168] Peter Truell, “New York Fed Official Resigns Over Article in The Times”, July 21, 1995.
[169] Eric Dash, “Dudley Named to Lead New York Fed”, January 27, 2009.
[171] Daily News, “Former Bank Examiner Is Accused of Theft”,
[172] Reuters, “U.S. Charges Programmer With Stealing Code”, January 18, 2012.
[173] Matthew Vadum, “Another Radical Obama Nominee”, September 3, 2012,
[174] Jo Becker and Gretchen Morgenson,
[175], “Ex-Chief of State Fed Joins Goldman”, New York Times, October 20, 1993.
[176] Gene Nelson, “How Record Immigration Levels Robbed American High-Tech Workers of $10 Trillion”, The Social Contract, Spring 2012, p. 37.
[177] Greider, “Dismantling the Temple”, p. 14.
[178] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 165.
[179] Ibid, p. 174.
[180] Bookstaber, A Demon of Our Own Design, pp. 259-60.
[181] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 175.
[118] Ibid, pp. 91-92.
[119] Ibid, p. 93.
[120] Ibid, p. 95.
[121] Ibid, pp. 220-21.[122] Ibid, p. 244.
[123] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 121.
[124] Wall, Pringle and McNulty, “Capital Requirements for Interest Rate and Foreign Exchange Hedges” in FRB of Atlanta, Financial Derivatives, p. 235.
[125] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 196.
[126] Van Overtveldt, Bernanke’s Test, p. 230.
[127] Ibid, p. 221.
[128] Henry Kaufman, Interest Rates, the Markets and the New Financial World, New York, Times Books, 1986, pp. 76-77.
[129] Geisst, Wheels of Fortune, p. 80.[130] Ibid, pp. 316-23.
[131] Gasparino, Bought and Paid For, pp. 68-69.
[132] Geisst, Wheels of Fortune, pp. 314-315.
[133] Ibid, pp. 332-333.
[134] Ibid, pp. 346-47.
[135] Ibid, p. 348.
[136] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 196.
[137] Bookstaber, A Demon of Our Own Design, pp. 195-200.
[138] Ibid, p. 55.
[139] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 318.
[140] Arnold Ahlert, “Obama’s Financial Guru Faces Congress”,[141] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 346.
[142] Rubenstein, “The Twin Crises - Immigration and Infrastructure”, p. 26.
[143] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 232.
[144] Ibid, p. 249.
[145 Ibid, p. 496.
[146] Peter Abken, “Globalization of Stock, Futures, and Options Markets” in FRB of Atlanta, Financial Derivatives, p. 12.
[147] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 116.
[148] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 52.
[149] Ahlert, “Obama’s Financial Guru Faces Congress”.
[150] Ibid
[151] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 96.
[152] William Greider, “Dismantling the Temple”, The Nation, August 3, 2009, p. 13.
[156] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 198.
[157] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 84.
[158] Ibid, p. 149.
[159] Arnold Ahlert, “S&P Under Fire”, August 19, 2011,
URL to article:
[160] Philip Turner, “Procyclicality of Regulatory Ratios?” in Eatwell and Taylor, International Capital Markets, p. 483.
[161] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 201.[160] Philip Turner, “Procyclicality of Regulatory Ratios?” in Eatwell and Taylor, International Capital Markets, p. 483.
[162] Gasparino, The Sellout, p. 68.
[163] Ibid, p. 95.
[164] Andrew Sorkin, “At Lehman, Watchdogs Saw It All”, March 15, 2010.
[165] Bookstaber, A Demon of Our Own Design, pp. 45-49.
[166] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 143.
[167] Keith Bradsher, “Fed Tightens Its Policies On Ethics” June 9, 1994.
[168] Peter Truell, “New York Fed Official Resigns Over Article in The Times”, July 21, 1995.
[169] Eric Dash, “Dudley Named to Lead New York Fed”, January 27, 2009.
[171] Daily News, “Former Bank Examiner Is Accused of Theft”,
[172] Reuters, “U.S. Charges Programmer With Stealing Code”, January 18, 2012.
[173] Matthew Vadum, “Another Radical Obama Nominee”, September 3, 2012,
[174] Jo Becker and Gretchen Morgenson,
[175], “Ex-Chief of State Fed Joins Goldman”, New York Times, October 20, 1993.
[176] Gene Nelson, “How Record Immigration Levels Robbed American High-Tech Workers of $10 Trillion”, The Social Contract, Spring 2012, p. 37.
[177] Greider, “Dismantling the Temple”, p. 14.
[178] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 165.
[179] Ibid, p. 174.
[180] Bookstaber, A Demon of Our Own Design, pp. 259-60.
[181] Stiglitz, Freefall, p. 175.
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